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Mike's POVShe hadn't eaten for days, she hasn't slept properly in a while and she had refused to go see her mum since the incident. Grace was different, I just didn't see the girl I fell in live with but I'm trying everyday to because there's something in her I can't let go of. She might be broken because she bottles up everything like it's her responsibility to take care of everyone's shit. I watched her sleep through the morning as that was the only time she actually got some rest but we were going to be late for school. Parties are kind of my thing but ever since Grace and Ani I just couldn't and when I was finally ready Grace had already taken a different view of life. I have to convince her come for the football teams party, it'll be our last and I want it to be with her and just her. Her eyes slowly opened, it was as if she had an alarm in her head that told her when it was time to wake up or something.

Grace's POVIs it only me that needs to imagine something perfect before I can fall asleep. On a normal day I'll just imagine a really nice future with whoever comes around but now that I had Mike things were different. I feel asleep in a world where we got married and had a really good relationship but I woke up in another reminding how much crap I have to deal with and the load of shit we might have to go through to actually get there if we ever wanted to. What if we have a child that goes down the same path as Ani, what if his cancer comes back, those thoughts don't want to let me go and every blessed day I think of these it breaks me into the tiniest pieces. After the SAT's all I was waiting for was the results so I could finally get some rest from all this anxiety. School was boring, there was legit nothing to do and no one to talk to, I don't think I have the most friendly face in public and since I was dating one of the COOL kids as they say people would think I'm a bitch but they can think whatever cause that ship has sailed. I was waiting by my locker for Micheal so I could get some rest, football practice should be up by now I thought as I looked at the phone for the tenth time wondering if I mistaken-ed the time.I was about to leave him a text and just walk home because I actually need my quiet time right now, he's been in my space lately. The football team approached me, walking together as if they were about to attack me, typical Grace would have showed the athlete in her and just run just to avoid any conversations but I couldn't bring myself to it, I didn't want to embarrass Mike so I just stayed and let the conversation flow. Mason the captain who I find very interesting but at the same time shady was the on to start the conversation

Mason: Graceeeeeeeeeeee, what's up ( he said as if we were long time friends or something, I will never understand the concept of high school)

Grace: Umm I'm good I guess

Mason: The guys and I want you to come for the last party we're having as a team, we told Mike to tell you but he chickened out saying you were too hard to convience (this guy literally came here with his team just to tell me to come for a party, it seemed too good to be true and why would Micheal even say that to them. Through out the exchange of words he just stood there and it seemed like his mind was somewhere else)

Grace: I'll see how that day goes

Mason: that's not an answer ( I'm been nice here but the next time he raises his stupid eye brows at me thinking its sexy i'll actually smack him. It's actually my fault for even telling him I'm considering his useless party)

Micheal: Okay babe, let's go I guess you're tired, he did what is right, because shit would have turned out differently if I remained there. 

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