Chapter 2

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(Oba's POV)

... few months/ 3 years before...

🎶I really want to tell you how my day went. (how my day went)
Really want to spend the weekend babe.
I for show you this thing I'm feeling.(oh yeah)
But I don't really know you that well.
I really want to kiss you in the face (in the face baby)
And maybe every other place baby
E be like say I no remember say I
Say I don't really know you that well...🎶

My friends (or should I say my brothers because their mother basically raised us together) and I are screaming not singing along with the song  'know you by Ladipoe ft Simi'.

My bad, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Adeoba Williams. The heir to William's empire. I am the first out of 3 children. I am a Yoruba. I came back to Nigeria 3 years ago after staying in Barbados for close to 11 years. My family relocated when I was 5 years old and Akinade, was still a foetus in my mother's womb. I was the only one that came back. Scratch that, I was the only child that came back. My parents, my father especially was always coming back to oversee their various businesses.
I still remember the conversation I had with my parents 3 years ago.

I came home after attending the after-party of my high school graduation. I entered the house around 1:30 in the morning, way past my curfew. I was very high and drunk. To be sincere, that wasn't my first time though. I "used"  to love partying, doing drugs and all those vices . But that particular incident was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
I woke up around noon that day with a chronic version of hangover but that wasn't the worse of the situation. My Parents were having hushed conversations. Anytime they do that, the outcome always end in PREMIUM SALTY tears. You won't want to be the one at the receiving end, trust me on that. I have been there and I am in any moment from now going to be there again.

"Good morning, Dad. Good morning, Mum"   I greeted both of them

" Adeoba"   my mum called out without acknowledging my greetings.

"Yes mum"

"Adeoba Inioluwa Williams".  my dad thundered.

Okay so, in movies, there is always this sound that comes like an alert when something bad is about to happen, that was how my name sounded when my dad called my full name.

"Yes Dad"

"Now listen and listen very carefully, your mother and I have had enough of your antics. We won't sit down and watch you rubbish yourself around. I don't need to remind you that you have 2 younger siblings who see you as their mentor and lest I forget, you are the heir to my empire. What were you celebrating yesterday?"

" My graduation from high school sir"

" What's next after that?"

" College sir"

" Where do you think you will be going to for college ?"

This conversation was actually better than I thought not knowing it was the calm before the storm.

"The university of ..."   I wasn't able to finish my sentence when my mother landed a slap to my cheek.

"Shut your trap up"   My mum spoke. (Well my mom swears only  when she is angry)

"Listen to me..."   my father continued  

" will be going back to Nigeria in 2 days time"

" WHAT!?!"   To say I was shocked is an understatement. How could my parents do this to me.

"Do you have a problem Mister"   my mum asked with a snide look.

" But, I am just 16. You can't do this to me"

" Yes, we can do that and much more young man.".  My dad retorted.

" You are going to Nigeria for your university education and you will be living with T.Y".

"Young man, go pack up. We have a long journey next tomorrow"   my dad said.

" It is not fair, you can't do this. My friends, everyone... I promise to change .
Please I don't want to go"   I begged and cried but their mind had been made up.

Here I am, 3 years and still counting.




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