Apartment 2514

16 4 2

The familiarity flows through the apartment sticking the inhabitants
together like glue. Our doorknob, a magnet that attracts many hands
that make themselves quite acquainted with the twist of the handle.
They're mouths come hungry and stomachs empty,
starving for companionship and food. My bed constantly stored
with warmth from the young adults tired of the world.
Nostalgia squeezes my heart as the melodies from
high school musical lull us to sleep, bodies cramped but uncaring.
Like a family, laughter bounces off the walls just as often as shouting
does, privacy a foreign word among us. And although there
were four walls and four rooms, there was a sense of transparency
that you couldn't escape. Leaving memories that are engraved in
my brain, like motion pictures, a forever movie...

Dedicated to my friends🧡 Our apartment was like the hangout spot, it was both fun and exhausting haha. If you enjoyed this chapter, give it a comment or vote, until next time :)

Unheard Words, Noisy Thoughts: College Memoirs from an IntrovertWhere stories live. Discover now