Lauryn Hill and an Orange

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You're an introvert
Not shy
Just observant

She's an extrovert
A social butterfly

You observe
She's a good person
She talks to you
Because you're interesting

The calm waves
Carried by the moon
The bright light 
Shining from the sun

My mom named me
After Lauryn Hill
It's her favorite artist
You tell her
She looks at you like 
You're the biggest dork

She asks you
To peel her orange
Because you're nails are long
You look at her like
She's an oddball

Little do we know
We're staring our best friend
Straight in the face
Sisters for life
God moms to our children

A Leo and a Virgo

Who would've thought
It all started because of
Lauryn Hill and an Orange

Unheard Words, Noisy Thoughts: College Memoirs from an IntrovertWhere stories live. Discover now