First Meeting

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"Well hello to you too babe."

"Hi." That's when I remembered Luka. I look up to see some guy in a panther suit holding my best friend in a headlock on the floor with his hands behind his back. As more of my soulmates begin to fill the room I flip through the air, free Luka, and bring him to my side of the room.

When he was settled in a chair I begin to worry. "What's wrong baby girl?" asked a blonde-haired woman. "I wasn't planning on meeting my mates today. Or ever for that matter." 'Ugh! What is with me and being all weird today?!' I think to myself as I ignore the little giggle that came out of some girl's mouth.

As she stops giggling I begin to pace while talking to myself. "How could they have found me? Was it that obvious? Was I that obvious?! Oh my god. I could have been discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D! These guys shouldn't even know I live here in New York let alone the fact that I'm at THIS highschool! I mean it is one of the few schools that are here in New York but I mean come on! This is just a coincidence, right? I must be dreaming. But wait. Why would I even dream of any let alone ALL of The Avengers as my mates anyway? This is just... so weird."

I look over to the other side of the room where my mates are and I find all of them already looking at me with curiosity, adoration in their eyes. When I say 'all' I mean ALL of them. "So I suppose that we should get to know each other?" And Tony freaking Stark speaks first. "Our Sweetheart is right. We should start heading to The Avengers Tower now." "Ok...but what about my stuff?" I look over to see that THE Black Widow was holding up my backpack with all of my stuff neatly put into it. "I've got it мое сердце don't worry." (my heart) "That was Russian right?" She looks taken aback by my question but is quick to nod her head to me. With that I quickly turn around to hug and kiss Luka's cheek, which earned a few growls from my mates, and we all walk out of the room.

When we walk out of the school I'm at the center of the big group of superheroes. After we all say our "see you in a bit"s we all file into the designated cars I somehow wind up in a fancy van with Tony, Steve, Bruce, Nat, Clint and Thor. The 6 Original Avengers.

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