(dancing) barefoot

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(dancing) barefoot

"Dance with me."

His hand was held out, healing callouses facing the freckled ceiling, waiting patiently - and yet, almost apprehensively - for me to take. I trailed my gaze from his awaiting hand to his eyes that were looking down at me, carefully watching every expression that must be flickering across my face.

And without one more thought, nor another second, I slipped my soft fingers into his firm, warm grasp. With a grateful smile, he gracefully tugged me from my spot on the edge of his bed and brought me up to his height, my bare feet sliding against the cool wooden floors. He reached beside him for a moment to his desk, reluctantly moving his gaze from me and to his computer as he reached for his mouse to press "Play."

And, right on cue, classical music began to play.

"Remember the steps?" he asked, his tone playful, but his expression serene.

I must have had a comical reaction, because he just chuckled softly and squeezed my hand in a reassuring way.

"Don't worry," he whispered, trailing one hand to cup my waist and the other to hold my hand gently in his. "I think I do."

And with that, we waltzed. Back-right, he instructed quietly, left. Forward-left - no, don't stop! At some moments, I couldn't stop laughing. At others, I just wanted to engulf him in my arms and hug him tightly. But, throughout it all, I just wanted the dance to last forever.

Toe-stepping was inevitable when it came to me re-learning the waltz... or me waltzing in general. After maybe the eighth time, he offered for me to stand on his socked feet. I made a reluctant sound and he just chuckled and pulled me closer to him, ignoring the fact that we were barely even moving to the music anymore and mostly just hugging each other dearly.

"I love this," I whispered, not sure if he heard me, but also not worrying if he didn't. Because I did love this. I never wanted this moment to end.

The smile of his that I knew and loved so much was threaded in his words as he replied, "Me too."

And we danced.

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