Chapter 4: While You Were Gone

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—2nd POV—
"Hey Kakashi! We made it!" You point out.

You and Kakashi look up at Ichiraku's ramen shop,
"It's about time" Kakashi scoffs.
"Come on let's go in, you'll feel better after you eat!~" you nudge, Kakashi looks at you then blushes at your childish behavior.

"You don't need to worry about paying, this is my apology for leaving!" You exclaim

"But I-" "Nope! No buts, just eat! I owe it to you after all" you say giving him a smile.

"Fine. Free food for me then" Kakashi smirks, "Do you want to pay for the food!?" You scold,
"Heh.. No" He whispers, "Then hush" you respond.

You and Kakashi walk inside Ichiraku's. It smells like cooked meat and vegetables.

"Welcome!" The man behind the counter shouts.
"Hey Teuchi..." Kakashi responds,
"Oh, it's you Kakashi! Who're you with?"
'So Teuchi can't recognize me either..' you think looking disappointed,
Kakashi chuckles "It's (y/n), he left the village 5 years ago but he's back now!" Kakashi responds, 'Thanks Kakashi' you think smiling at Kakashi.
"Oh. IT'S (Y/N)!?",
You nod in agreement, Teuchi looks at you in amusement. "Well come on in and eat! No ramen tastes better than the ramen here!" Teuchi gestures, all you could do is smile and sit down, Kakashi notices your behavior and sits down next to you. "I can tell you both what happened while I was out training!~ BUT first- I'll need some food in my system!" You smirk,

Teuchi immediately starts cooking eager wanting to know what happened on your journey, you look at Kakashi and smirk.

"Sooo.. Kakashi" you catch his attention, "Hm?" He hums, "Tell me... What happened after I left?" You say in a serious yet comforting tone.

Kakashi looks at you in shock then looks back at the counter, "It- It's not a happy story..." Kakashi warns, you cut him off "I heard a lot of sad stories already, it won't effect me. I just want you to tell me so I can comfort you because I care about you!" You realized what you said and covered your mouth in embarrassment, Kakashi looks at you in shock and you both blush and turn away from each others flustered face.

"The ramen's done!~"

Your train of thought was cut off and you looked up at the steaming hot ramen.

"Looks delicious!" You complemented, Teuchi looks at you while smirking "Oh please, tell me something I don't know!"

You dig in, it's piping hot, you couldn't help but notice Kakashi not touching his food, 'He's just staring at it' you thought.

"Hey Kakashi?" Kakashi snaps back into reality and looks at you surprised, "are you going to eat?" You ask.

"Mmm" he nods, you look at him unconvinced "what's up?" You ask.

Kakashi looks over to you then back at his food, his face showed the expression of guilt even through his mask, "Is it about something that happened after I left?" You ask, he nods.

"Tell me about it, I'm here for you" you pat his back, Kakashi looks at you and blushes "I- ok.." he responds, you give him all your attention.

"After you left... Obito got killed trying to save me... He taught me so many lessons that I reflect on today..." he starts to sob and you pat his back, "Kakashi I'm so sor-" "That's not all. Before he died he gave me something" he states.

"W-what was it?" You ask.

Kakashi raises his headband exposing his closed left eye.

"HE GAVE YOU A SCAR!?" You exclaim, "N-no! He didn't give me a scar. I received the scar in battle, Obito have me this", you look at Kakashi as he opens his left eye.

"THE SHARINGAN!" You look at Kakashi in shock, Kakashi looks at you unsurprised at your reaction.

"Not only did I lose Obito but I lost Rin not long after..." tears roll down his face, "Kakashi..." you hug him tight.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were hurting so much..." You console, he's surprised at your gesture but he returns the hug.

"Thank you for being here for me (y/n)", you could only smile at him "Of course I'd be here for you Kakashi, you're too important to me" you state as you smile at him.

Kakashi's heart skips a beat, 'I can't do this anymore. I need to confess to him even if he doesn't feel the same way, I just want to tell him' Kakashi thinks.

You notice Kakashi's strange behavior and you point it out, "Hey Kakashi you don't need to hold anything back, you can tell me what's on your mind, I'll always comfort you" you smile at him.

Kakashi begins to get flustered, "Really?" He asks, you look at him and smile "Of course I will!"

Kakashi looks at you with love in his eyes.

"(Y/n)... I think.. No- I do..."


"(Y/n), I have feelings for you"

A blush covers your face,

"(Y/n), do you feel the same way?"

"Kakashi... I..."

--Author's note—
Hey once again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Next chapter will have a little treat for you because you deserve it after all! Anyways have a great rest of your day. Chapter 5 will be out as soon as I can!

Word count: 888

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