Jinayeon: Stalker

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Nayeon POV

I looked around to see if there was any sign of Josh. I'm wearing dark clothes so that fans wont see me but I'm still scared since anything can happen.
I walk with one of my managers towards the van and get in as quickly as I can.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, manager-nim. I want to go to BTS' dorm."

Jin POV.

It's been almost 2 years since Twice's dating ban was lifted and now two members are dating and are happily spending time with their boyfriends.
I envy them sometimes since they can date freely. Though some people disagree, they dont mind and do what they do as a couple. But mine and Nayeon's story is complicated. She has a Stalker that threatens to kill her if she dates someone else aside from him, so ever since he came, we dont go out on dates a lot because she's scared. Though we will meet each other from time to time, I dont think its enough since I, as Im Nayeon's boyfriend, should have all of her attention and love

Talking about Josh makes me angry, though I know he's not at fault and that he doesn't know we're dating, he shouldn't stalk them, leak their phone number, threaten them, and other stuff he's been doing. I already have a list of the reasons why I hate him in my mind - might add a couple more later-, I go to his YouTube channel and see what he's up to.

To sum up mine and Nayeon's story, we met up a bunch of times because our schedules overlap or coincidentally meet at a park and decided that we'll date, of course after a while of courting her. She was hesitant at first because of the Stalker and because she was the eldest, she didn't want her younger sisters to worry about her, she wanted them to rely on her, she also didn't want to deceive Onces and lie to them saying that shes single. But because of my handsomeness, she said yes. So now we're dating.

Speaking of Nayeon, she said that she's coming here to the dorm. She's supposed to be here by now..........
Wait a minute.......... somethings off

I close my laptop as I furrow my eyebrows together, I get up from my bed and go to Hoseok's room. He's closest to Nayeon, beside me of course, and see him looking at his phone.

"Hey, Jhope. Did Nayeon call you or anything?? She said she's coming here but she's not here yet. She's supposed to be here by now."

"Ah hyung!" He said, surprised that I suddenly showed up. He looked around, nervous about something and hiding his phone under the covers of his bed.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" I said, seeing him so stressed about something makes me worried since he is my dongsaeng.

"Hyung.... uh..... have you seen uhm, uh.. th-the news?"

"Huh? No. Why? Did something happen?"

He said nothing takes out his phone from under the covers and wordlessly gives it to me. I knot my forehead in suspicion as I opened his phone. I looked down at the article he was reading and as I read the title, tears started welling up in my eyes.

"No, no... I wont believe this." I said to myself.

I read the contents of the article, desperately trying to find a sign that this isnt real. That this was all a prank and a false alarm.................

Nothing.............. It's true............. No.........

"No, No, NO!! I won't believe it!! Everything here is fake, it's just a false alarm!!" I said, trying to convince myself that this isnt real. Tears running down my face as I collapse. My legs going weak as I punch the floor underneath me. Pulling my hair and screaming as I tell myself that "Everything is fake, this all a dream, I'll wake up and the pain will all go away."

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