Jeongmin (request, not edited/revised)

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Jeongyeon PoV.

Here I am again, in the library where I sit here for hours and hours to study. Only leaving when there guards come to tell me they're closing the school.

(Idk much about math so dont come after me🙏🙏🙏)
P=6% interest of  the total 45,9-

"Yoooooo nerd."

Still looking at my practice sheet I was answering, I roll my eyes inwardly, trying to ignore him by covering my face with my hair when he sat right in front of me. Ignoring his presence and continuing my work, hoping not to be bothered.

Jimin PoV.

I look at her, covering her face with her hair which slightly upset me.

Why is she always avoiding me like this?

I shake my head at the thought.

She must have a reason, she always does.

I put my elbows on the table, cupping my face with my cheeks as I watch her answer her homework. The way she moves so professionally, moving around with papers in her hand, writing down notes from time to time, as she looks at the textbook on the table with a computer right next to it. She looked so cool, like she's been doing this for years(which she has) while I watch her, making me feel bad that she has so much effort put in her work while I just write a 1 whole sentence and get an A+ for the whole quarter.

Guiltily looking at her, I put my head down ontop of my arms, ashamed at myself for not working as hard as she does.

Jeongyeon PoV.

I raise my eyebrows at the teenage boy in front of me, looking at him in worry as I can visibly see him heave a deep sigh and start shaking.

I drop everything down in worry, pushing everything aside as I reach forward, putting one hand on his arm and another on the top of his head. Rubbing his arms and running my hand through his hair.


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"Ugh fine......" I sigh in defeat, knowing the on thing to make him reply to me.


He looks up to me, seemingly overwhelmed by the endearment I called him while his eyes are filled with unshed tears. Though they came rushing down when he blinked up at me, still in disbelief.

"Yeah?" He replied, holding back his sobs as tears gush down even more. His  face scrunched in his crying-face as his mouth forms into a pout.

I smile at how stupid he looked.

My stupid.

"What's wrong baby? You started crying so suddenly, you know you can tell me anything right?" Going over to his side before sitting down next to him and pulling him in a warm hug, his reflex immediately kicking in making him bury his head on the crook of my neck. His arms around my waist as my one arm goes to rub circle on his back as the other one pats his head lightly.

We stay there for a while, him still sniffing while he buries himself on my neck while I wait for him to calm down.

"You okay, baby?" I ask him, pulling away slightly to see his face.

He looks down, nodding his head before pulling me into another hug.

"I'm sorry." He says, his sudden apology making me pull back from his embrace and hold him by his elbows.

"What do you mean? You did nothing wrong, Baby. Theres no need to apologize." Kissing both his cheeks before letting them fall unto his lips for a small peck.

"But you work so hard, doing school work even after class while I dont even have to put much effort into it. You also ignore me everytime I go in the library to see how you're doing, do you not like me anymore? I'm confused because by the next day, you're always giving me kisses that make me feel special but when its school, you block me off. I'm sorry if I did something to you....."

He let's everything out, I felt like I could see all the pressure that's been weighing his down has suddenly been lifted of his shoulders. He looks at me for a response, reading my face as I look down guilty of my actions.

Never once did I think he would've been affected.

He stands up abruptly, making me stand up too incase he decides to leave me. He walks to the other side of the table, where my stuff are and cleans them up. Getting my papers and putting them in different piles, then dividing one pile into 2 or 3. Grabbing my bag that has folders in them, marked with the different subjects of school and he puts the papers in their respected places.

"What are you doing?" My voice spoke with confusion.

"Helping you clean."


"And later when we get to the dorm, I'll come around amd help you. Think of it as tutoring but with my girlfriend." He smirks, his vibe different from the one 5 minutes ago. He looks like a full-time fuckboy.

"Or we could do more than stu- Ow! Ow! Look I'm sorry! I was just joking, Jeongyeon!! Stop that, OW!"

"Better be green-minded or else you wont have children!" I say, trying my best to put it in the best way possible.

He flinches, his hands reaching to cover whatever he has down there before gulping.

"Good. Now let's get tutoring?" I tell him. Turning around before realizing what I said sounded like a different invite.

I feel him behind me, running to catch up because he didnt finish keeping the papers before looking at me.

"So..... we're doing it?"

"Minors, Jimin. Fckin minors."

"Yeh but like, you invi-"

"I didn't mean in that way." I face-palmed.

He chuckles, his eyes disappearing as his smile takes over.

We didn't get to study that night.


"Ah... ah... ah... yes!"

"Go faster!!"




"One more round."

I turn around to see Jimin pouting at me, his hands on the controller as the screen shows his 3rd loss that night.

"No more, baby. We didnt even study."

He pouts.

Hi guys! Sorry if I haven't been updating. I've been starting my 1st year of highschool and even though our assignments dont take that long, I've been procrastinating and asking my sisters for help which confuses me even more.

I'll try to update as much as I can with the times that's given to me.

This is for __sharifahhh__, they requested a Jeongmin one so here it is. Tell me if ever you didnt like it or such because I'm willing to learn more about writing stories.

Requests are open! Be free to pm me or comment about what ships you want me to write about.

Thanks for reading, bye!

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