New Year

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Chapter 4

The next few days have been a blur, consent headache and memory loss. No I am being dramatic, I am just tired lately hence the waking up even more exhausted .
I have a savings account, Zweli puts money in my count for whenever I need it but I've never used the money.
Zweli"What's up?"
Me"Did you take money from my account? "
He raised his eyebrow
Zweli"Nope, did you shop online again? told you to stop giving out for details"
Damn! that would make sense
He laughed
Zweli"What's that?"
He said pointing at my sketch pad
Me"No idea honestly, I don't even remember sketching this like I am trying to figure out what it means"
I sketched a room with broken windows, pictures on the wall and blood on the floor.
Zweli"Its dark"
Me"I can be edgy you know"
We both laughed at my lie, I draw the simple things and write about love.
Zweli"Driving lessons today?"
Me"Thandeka can't come today, so maybe tomorrow"
Zweli"31st tomorrow"
Me"And I turn 19 the next day"
Zweli"I know"
"I hope you like my gift"
We've been getting close lately, ever since that night he is very protective. Yesterday we almost kissed but we got interrupted by Oliver, thank God for that I wasn't ready. The following day Zweli received a call from Oliver and apparently they can't host anymore so we have to do it.
Me"Kunzotyiwa nto?"
Zweli"Uhm that's none of our business, we provide the house and the guests bring the food. I requested thinks we can eat after they leave"
Me"Hide our junk food"
He ran to the kitchen and I followed, we were laughing and the next thing I knew was my back against the wall.
Zweli"Should we kiss?"
Me"Not now"
I buried my head on his chest
Zweli"Should we attempt dating? "
Me"I don't know"
"I don't want to get hurt, this arrangement is working well so far"
Zweli"For me or you?"
"you have a girlfriend"
Zweli"Onela knows about you, and she will never over step my boundaries"
He pulled my head up and kissed my forehead.
Zweli"What do you want to do?"
Me"When I got here, I had ambitions but now I don't know. For now I am okay with being a housewife "
Zweli"Are you sure?, I know a few people who can use your talents"
I wasn't sure, I wanted a career and I wanted out of this marriage.
Me"Its okay"
Zweli"If you say so"
We cleared the kitchen acting like that moment didn't happen.

The people started arriving around 7pm, we greeted everyone and offered glasses of champagne on arrival.
Zweli was nowhere to be found, so I went to look for him inside. And there he was standing with a goddess, no needed to tell me who she was. She wore a simple navy jumpsuit that fitted her like a glove, fat? what is that?, she had no trace of flaws. Perfect brown skin you could lick it, they looked amazing together. Now I get why everyone makes a fuss about her, I would too.

"Happy New Year!!!!"
I grabbed this beautiful creature next to me, we kissed for what felt like eternity. When we stopped we shared a brief movie moment.
"Lwazi and who are you? "
We kissed again
Lwazi"Can I get your number?"
I gave it to him, then went to join my friend.
Lerato"Zee whats with the wedding right?"
She and I met last night, she gets me.
Me"Keeps the man away"
I like this place, no one cares about you or asks too many questions.
Lerato"You disappeared last night"
Me"Was working the next day"
She nods and then continues dancing while I hum happy birthday to myself.
This guy interrupts my train of thought.
"How did you get here?"
"Luntu called me"
Lerato"Who are you?"
Me"Great question"
Guy"Her husband"
Me"Not married"
Guy"Ndim! Zweli"
I laughed
Me"Ndim! Ziphozethu"
He pulled me up with help of some guy, making me get in the car.
Me"You do know I have rights"
"You can't just kidnap me!"
"You need to free me from her"
He looked so shocked
Me"What? cat caught your tongue? "
"I am not afraid of you or any men for that matter, unlucky Sethu I fig…"
Zweli"Fuck! what is happening?"
I laughed
Me"One of these days, I will take over completely and kill you in your sleep"

I woke up with throbbing headache, my feet were more than painful.
Zweli"Sethu?  Nolitha?"
I looked around,we were in his room.
Me"Fuck! we didn't right?"
He looked confused
Zweli"You don't remember last night?"
Me"You kissing your ex? how could I forget"
Zweli"She kissed me and I stopped her, do you trust me?"
"I met Zipho"
Me"Where? who is she ke?"
He looked really frustrated, nope he looked scared..
Zweli"She is you"
"I don't know but something isn't right"
Me"What is it? tell me"
Zweli"Do you drink?"
Me"Nope, you know that. I only had one glass that day"
Zweli"Do you hate me?"
Me"No! I used to blame you for this, I wanted to run away but I couldn't Zweli"I need some air"


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