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Chapter 15+


Me" you sure?"
Zweli"Obviously, I organized this"
Zweli and I standing outside Blue Water cafe.
Me" I love you "
Zweli" And I love you"
I went inside and the lady was actually waiting for me, not sure which part made me nervous but I was nervous as hell. We discussed my blog, I told her about my personalities and what writing actually meant to me. She looked interested, all I could think was someone actually took notice of my work.
Melissa"Thank you for seeing me "
Is she being serious? I should be thanking her .
Me"No seriously thank you, this was amazing and I can't express how grateful I am"
Melissa"The interview will be uploaded in our blog (Africa in words) and I hope you like what I write"
We hugged then she left because I had to wait for Zweli. I sat there wondering if I gave her enough material, I was too excited to remain sitting so I decided to leave. I called Zweli telling him I will go visit Mbali.

I took a taxi to Gomery place in Summerstrand, getting there I called her to open for me.
Mbali"I have no food here, should we order pizza?"
Me"Lets take a walk to Spar"
I changed my shoes and wore her uggs, then we left for Spar.
Me"How's everything? "
Mbali"I don't know, the only thing that makes sense is school qha"
Me"And Skylar?"
Mbali"That ship has sailed, he has two kids from his wife which are a year older than me"
Me"That bothers you?"
Mbali"That Skylar is 17 years older than me?"
I nodded
"Not really, bothers everyone else though"
Me"And his children?"
Mbali"Only met them once and it was a disaster, Blaine was hitting on me and when he actually found out I was with his dad well. Yea"
We both laughed
Me"You love him?"
Mbali"A lot, he is one of the sweetest man on earth"
Me" Then go with that, his children will eventually accept you"
Mbali"Its been 2 years, so I doubt that "
"How are you?"
Me"Zweli's ex is stalking me, andiyazi Mbali "
"Apparently she and Zweli were suppose to get married, ndoyikisela my child mna and Zweli keeps changing locks endlini. Imagine ndikulo nto"
Mbali"What if you guys are wrong?, has she given you a reason to fear you?"
Me"Yes,the sms and everything Zweli said"
Mbali"What if its not that deep? "
"Don't think anyone would go this crazy over just dick or love., women were a lot stronger than that"
Me"What if its that deep Mbali? and she really is crazy"
Mbali"Really Sipho? you should be advocating for her because you know what its like to be perceived as crazy "
Me"So I should understand? "
Mbali"I'm not saying that but just try and understand her situation"
Me"Mna or Zweli?"
Mbali"Maybe you've never dated before Zweli but a lot of us would kill for closure from the men that broke our hearts"
Me"You telling me if Skylar had an ex like Onela, you'd just accept and no questions asked?"
Mbali"His wife passed away before I came along, I don't understand your situation and you don't understand mine but I hope you will do right by another woman. We women are too hard on each other"

On Monday Zweli left for work before I woke up, the house was so quiet. I changed to my sweat pants and Zweli's hoodie.
"I used to like wearing that"
I jumped frightened by the voice coming from the kitchen.
"Relax. Its only me"
Onela said casually as she sat on the bar stool.
Me"You scared me"
She smiled looking a bit concerned
Onela"That wasn't my intention"
"Can we talk?"
Me"You invading our privacy"
Onela"You stole from me"
Me"Zweli was never my choice, you should know this by now"
Onela"Not Zweli"
"My happiness"
Me"Really? you are being weird"
Onela"I look crazy kuwe, hell I think I am crazy too"
"Zweli and I met during my second year,  he was everything I wanted and everything I couldn't have. He was dating someone else,long short we had a one night stand that got me pregnant and suddenly I was his girl. 8 weeks later I miscarried, but Zweli stayed with me. Years later we moved to PE"
She was now crying
"I got pregnant again, this time it was 6 months long before ndiphuncukelwe sisusu"
"We got engaged, he bought us this house. A month after that I got pregnant again,  I thought God was punishing me but I decided to keep this one to myself . Zweli got called home and I decided to quit my job, you know? so I can avoid stress and maybe this time carry full term"
She laughed
Me"Then I happened right?"
Onela"Bingo! he lied to me saying it was arranged, Zweli had the guts to ask me to be his second wife!. I was useless to his parents and him, I envy you . You were approved by him and his parents"
Me"I am sorry Onela"
She stood up and looked at my tummy.
Onela"I am sorry for everything, I thought this would give me closure "
Me"You scared me"
Onela" Honestly? I wanted you to miscarry like I did"
"But your pain wouldn't end mine, let me go and sorry"
Me"Should I tell Zweli you were here?"
Onela"Please don't"

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