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(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

"Just shoot away." I said sighing.

"Ok good news is that your legs can be somewhat cured. Bad news is that you waited so long to cure them that there is a low chance you will walk again."

"Oh, yea about that." I looked away embarrassed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yea about that." He/she said trying to get me to explain. "Mind explaining, cause it says here you had this disease since you were an infant."

"Well the thing is I do, well did, figure skating. I was going to come earlier but I was told that the treatment resulted in my legs losing ability to walk and that I would need to have months of therapy. I didn't really want to stop skating even if it was for a few months. I was also told that I could be paralyzed from the treatment."

"Those are some of the results. Also you are like some of the other patients with the same or similar disease. They also do some type of activity that they don't want to miss doing so they wait to get treatment. What you didn't know was that the longer you wait the worse the condition gets. If you would of waited longer then you would of ended paralyzed. This disease does that to your legs. Its a small thing that overtime grows and cuts off the nervous system of your legs making them paralyze. When they stopped working at night that's what happened. The reason they were better the next day is because the disease wasn't strong enough." They explained.

"Tell me why didn't your parents cure your legs when doctors first detected it. I mean it was found when you were an infant."

"Well the doctors back at Japan said that they could help but that their devices weren't child safe. I could of risked a bigger threat if done when I was still that young. The minimum age was 13. My parents decided to wait till then but when I was about 4 I found my love for ice skating."

"I see, so the treatment wasn't safe for your young age. What about after you could."

"I wanted to go to UA Dance Academy so that also made me want to wait. I was going to quit on my dream and get the treatment but my friends motivated me to achieve my dream."

"Do they know about your legs?"

"No, only my mother, father, Minako and Suki do. Everyone else just knew I wanted to go to UA."

"So that's why they didn't motivate you to get cured."

"Yep, they didn't know I had the option of going to see a doctor for my legs or go to UA. They helped me though, even if it got me to where I am now. They reminded me of my goal."

"You have some good friends. I can see here on your records that you inherited it from your mother's side."

"Yea I did. Father was a healthy person while mother had a disease. Almost everyone from her family did."

"I didn't go looking through your mom's medical records but that might also explain why you have such a disease. Ok so the treatment here comes with a tiny surgery to make sure nothing is damaged. Of course we will do multiple of tests before we even preform any type of surgery. We have the emergency contact of Minako Okukawa, is that correct?"

"Yes that is correct."

"Ok, after the treatment is done and you have recovered, you will be put through physical therapy. After you feel comfortable with your walking progress you can go back to Japan. In the meantime you will be staying at one of our hospital rooms."

"Ok, so I will be able to walk again?"

"You will walk, however, there is a small chance you will walk normally. Considering this you may not be able to skate again."

"Oh, well then I'm glad I did retire." I said with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry but that's the result from waiting this long." He/she said in a sort of scolding way.

"Right. So when are we going to get the treatment started?"

"Whenever you like. We can start today or wait till tomorrow, its all up to you.

"Today, I prefer to start today. I don't have anything else to do either way."

"Ok. I will get a nurse to take you to the exam room then." He/she said. They called a nurse and the nurse helped me get to an exam room. There I was taken a bunch of tests. I was given another IV, the process of putting it on wasn't so bad. I just hate the process of taking it off. I also don't know why but this nurse put a bunch of tape on my arm. I can already tell that when its time to go the IV removing process is going to be PAINFUL, especially if she yanks that tape off.

The treatment started and I was lucky that I didn't have to get surgery. Two month passed by and I was ready to start therapy. I spent about half a year on learning how to walk. I can walk but very slowly, well honesty I can barley move my feet. I told the nurses that I felt comfortable walking and that I wanted to be released. They agreed since I can at least walk with the help of a stick. They gave me a walking stick and discharged me. I booked my plane ticket back to Japan after I was discharged. I didn't waste time and left the next day. Those were the longest 13 hours of my life. Luckily I got back to Japan and called Minako from a public phone since mine was still dead. She came to pick me up almost right away, on the way back I started telling her my stories from UA. She was surprised upon hearing what had happened. I told her almost everything, leaving out the part of what happened with Yaoyorozu. I told her that I retired and I had gotten my legs treated. She joked by saying 'finally, after thousands of years telling you to go see a doctor you did.'

"I know. By the way how's Yuri doing?"

"That boy made it to the Grand Prix Finals. He is going to skate next week."

"Really?! I am so happy for him."

"I know, I am too. So do you wanna call him and tell him the news?"

"No, if I do he might worry or something and not do good at finials. Its better if I wait till after he skates."

"However you're comfortable, I won't pressure you to tell him."

"I want to go see him skate. Can you take me?" I told her. She looked at me surprised and shocked at the same time.

"Don't you want to rest?"

"I'm not saying that I want to leave today. I just want to go see him, cheer for him. Please."

"Alright, Mari and I are going to go so I don't see why you can't tag along."

"So you'll take me?"


"YAY! Thank you so much Minako!" I said excitedly.

(A/N, thank you so much for reading this fanfic. I also want to thank you for the 1K views. Its more now but thank you. It makes me so happy seeing comments and likes. Also the comments make me laugh. Anyways I wanted to celebrate the 1K views by doing something but I'm not sure what. I could try updating daily or something. Leave in the comments what you guys would like, I'll give you guys about two weeks so everyone who wants to comment can do so. To be exact this will be the deadline: July 22, 2020. I don't really mind what you guys want except for a face reveal, although I doubt you guys wanted that. Anyways I have time cause of COVID-19 so I don't really mind of you guys would prefer an update daily. Once again thank you.)

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now