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(A/N, I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday. I was really busy and I didn't have time. But don't worry, like I promised I am going to update two chapters today. Also thank you for the 2K views. Its more now but still thank you. Also a quick reminder that the update daily is almost over. August 5, 2020 is the last day I am going to update daily. Once again I'm sorry for not updating yesterday.)

Todoroki's p.o.v.

I decided to stay at the Todoroki estate for now. I wasn't ready to go back to the dorms yet. Natsuo was looking at (Y/N)'s medical background. I want to know if there is something wrong with her. I want to make it up to her for being an asshole. The plan I have so far is competing in this years Grand Pix Finals. Yuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov, and Yuri Plisetsky are going to make it to finals, I just know they will. If all three make it then (Y/N) is going to be there to support Yuri Katsuki. She might not care that I will be there. She probably won't even notice me. For her to notice I have to do something big, and I plan on beating those three. If I can at least be a challenge to them then I might get noticed by (Y/N). If I beat them then even better. All I have to do then is declare my skate for (Y/N) and tell her how I feel. Sure she might tell me to fuck off but I'll insist her to give me another chance. Although I think she gave me a second chance but I blew it.

I slammed my head on the table since I was sitting in front of a desk writing out my plan. This could go two different ways. Either she forgives me and gives me another chance or she'll tell me to fuck off and have Bakugou beat my ass. Either way I am not giving up, not after everything that happen. I'll tell her the truth. Hopefully she won't get mad at the fact I had Natsuo look up her medical history. I heard a knock on my door and I told them to come in. It was Fuyumi.

"Breakfast is ready, and father isn't here."

"Where is he?" I asked even though part of me didn't care.

"He is at some important figure skating meeting or something like that." Fuyumi replied. I got up and we went to the kitchen. Natsuo was already there.

"Good morning, your big brother has some good and bad news for you." He said pointing at me. Fuyumi started serving breakfast and I sat down at the table.

"What news?" I asked.

"Well first off I had a really hard time looking for your crush's medical records." He began talking. At this point Fuyumi was done serving breakfast and she sat down to eat.

"Why was is hard?" She asked him.

"Well it was as if she was a secret from the world. Not a lot was found from any Japanese website. All I could find on the surface was normal information. Gender, birthday, age, height, hair and eye color, stuff like that. Information regarding her health and genetics were hard to find, I had to dig pretty deep to find it."

"What about her parents? Isn't that normal information?" I asked.

"It should be, but I couldn't find it easily. It was deep in the hole of her records. Either she didn't want this information out or someone else. Either way it all seemed weird. All I could find about her parents were their names and birthdays."

"I asked for her medical information not her parents."

"That's where I was fooled. Just like you said its her parents not her medical. But the further I looked the more it made sense. Both (Y/N) and he mother share many traits. Same hair and eye color. They even have a similar disease. That's where it fooled me. If you kept looking only at (Y/N)'s records you won't find anything. The answer is her parents. I looked at their records and that's when I saw (Y/N) and her mother shared traits. I decided to start looking at her mothers information then. All I found was she died of a sickness. Now what really stuck out was a disease in particular, a leg disease."

"Wow, you're sounding really smart. Are you really Natsuo Todoroki?" Fuyumi asked joking. I tried not to laugh while Natsuo just glared at Fuyumi.

"Ok, so what were the good and bad news?" I asked.

"Good news I found out she has a special leg condition. The same leg disease her mother had. Bad news, that's all I found. I couldn't find whether she treated it or not. Any questions you might have you'll have to ask her."

"I see, can you explain the disease?" I asked.

"I just told you, all the information given was she has the same leg disease as her mother. Their aren't any doctors here in Japan who know about this disease. There are a few out of the country though."

"Wow, you worked hard to find this information." Fuyumi said.

"I know! I stayed up till like four in the morning."

"Why so late? I didn't ask for you to give me the information today. I could have waited."

"You really think I was gonna search everything in one go? I wasn't going to."

"What made you change your mind?" Fuyumi asked.

"Well when I was going to call it a night I saw that the information I had saved was started to vanish. I saved a page and when I clicked on it again the page crashed and it said it wasn't available. So I kept searching and when I thought I had finished the page would stop working. After I was done with my research I was going to save it in a document but it disappeared. Every website I had visited disappeared as well. Its as if someone was hiding all evidence about (Y/N)." He said in a serious tone.

"Who is going that far just to hid her information?" I said. I started thinking back to everyone back at the hot springs. "The people she is with don't seem like the kind to hack or anything. There was the Katsuki's, Nishigori's and Minako."

"Well someone out there is doing everything in their power to stop anyone from looking into her information." Natsuo said.

"Could there have been someone else you didn't meet?" Fuyumi asked me. I shook my head.

"I don't think so. They all seemed nice and harmless."

"Wait you mentioned Minako. Do you remember her last name?" Fuyumi asked me.

"Minako Okukawa, why?"

"I know her! She is a ballet teacher and I've meet up with her in the past." Fuyumi said excitedly. My eyes widen.

"You have?! Can you talk to her and help me meet up with her?!" I asked her.

"I guess I can. Natsuo helped you with something so I will too."

"Thank you"

"Aw yeah! Natsuo was the first to help little Shoto! In yo face Fuyumi!"

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now