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(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

"(Y/N)?" He asked.

"I'm gonna leave you guys so you can talk. Oh and I'll look for your gloves." Midoriya said and left before we could protest.

Todoroki looked down at my hand and saw the walking stick.

"So do you perhaps want to talk?" He asked me. He was rubbing the back of his neck so he was nervous.

"I, uh, need to use the restroom." I said trying to get away from him

I know I said I was going to talk to him but I wasn't ready.

"Oh well then how about after the last skate today?"

"I can't. I'm busy." I said and started walking away. He grabbed my hand suddenly making me stumble a bit. "Dude you can't do that. I could fall." I said. He let go and apologized.

"If you'll excuse me I'm going. I'll call you or something when I'm ready to talk to you." I said my back still turned to him. All that came from him was silence. I took his silence as an opportunity to leave. I made up my mind and there's no way in hell I'll turn around now.

I kept walking and soon arrived to the restroom. I looked at the door and a tear fell. I kept walking past it and out the building. I walked to Minako's car and unlocked it. I opened the trunk and took my bags out. I left the keys Minako gave me in the gas compartment and started making my way to cross the street.

"SO THATS WHY YOU'RE BUSY!!" I heard someone shout. I was shocked and started to run, or at least try to. I did my best but I heard foot steps behind me.

"(Y/N) STOP!" I heard. Then all of a sudden, like a flash and in the matter of seconds. I heard a truck horn, felt a push and the sound of someone being hit and a car stop shriek. I fell and scraped my knees along the way. I saw my walking stick a feet or 3 away from me. I turned to look back and saw something horrible. The driver of the truck got out and started panicking and getting his phone out. I dragged myself towards him. I did my best to sit up and placed his head on my lap. I started crying.

"Wake up please!" I shouted and held his head. He had blood coming from his head, arms and legs. He looked in a bad shape yet one could still see his good features. "This is all my fault." I said and kept crying.

"T-this is not y-your fault. I-I was the o-one who w-wasn't f-fa-fast enough." He started speaking.

"Shhh, don't push your self too much. An ambulance is on its way. Just please don't close you're eyes. I can't bare someone I care for to leave me again."

"H-have I e-ev-ever t-t-told you how b-b-beuti-beutiful you a-are?"

"Seriously? Now's not the time. Save your strength please."

"I-I j-ju-just want y-you to-

Without thinking I shut him off with a kiss. He was surprised and even with all the pain he must have felt he smiled. "I only did it to shut you up now rest." I said. He smiled and his eyes were starting to shut. "Hey hey don't close your damn eyes. I'll never talk to you again if you do!" I said and started to tear up again.

"I'm s-sorry (Y-Y/N)." He said and his eyes shut. I started screaming and crying even harden. I heard sirens from a distance. I held him tighter and closer.

"Please just stay with me."

Bakugo's p.o.v.

Damn what's taking her so long?

"I'm going to check up on her." I said getting up.

"No way!" Mina shouted at me.


"She went to the restroom. The WOMANS restroom. You can't just go in there. I'll go." She said. I glared at her and sat back down. She left and I stayed to watch more skaters.

Mina's p.o.v.

I made my way down and and I saw someone I recognized near the rink walls.

"What up!" I exclaimed.

"Huh? Of hello Mina." Iida responded.

"What brings you here?" I asked him since it was suspicious he was here.

"Well you see Todoroki is going to compete." Midoriya randomly said behind Iida.

"Oh hi there. That's cool, so he's here right now?" I asked them. I was worried (Y/N) might of bumped into him.

"No, actually I haven't seen him for a while now." Iida responded.

"Have you guys seen Todoroki? He's almost up." Ururaka said. Yaoyorozu was behind her.

"No, we were just telling Mina how we haven't seen him in a while." Midoriya said.

"I saw him walk out. I guess he's in the restroom." Jiro said suddenly.

"I'll go check up on him." Midoriya said.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys but I have to go." I told them and waved goodbye. Midoriya tagged along since we were both going to the direction of the bathrooms.

"So (Y/N)'s here?"


"Figured since you're here and I also saw her before. You didn't know about Todoroki? I did see Kachan and the others."

"Yea, so why did he-"

"No one knows why. He randomly went up to Mr. Aizawa and asked to help him. However, I believe it has to do with something about (Y/N)."

"That's interesting considering the fact of how much of a jerk he was."

"He knows he was in the bad and he wants to fix it. If you could please just let them talk then I'm sure they'll come to an understandment."

"Look it isn't up to us. Its all up to (Y/N). Whatever she decides is what we'll go with. However Bakugo has a hard time understanding that. He cares about her a lot you know."

"Yea, Kachan hasn't treated anyone like that before. He loves her as she were his little sister."

"Yea." All of a sudden something caught my eye. "Yo is that?" I said pointing outside. Midoriya turned to look at where I was pointing.

"Its an ambulance. Wonder why?"

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now