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Minako's p.o.v.

"Well then, I'll be going now. You should be discharged this afternoon." I said standing up from my chair.

"Ok, thank you." (Y/N) told me. I smiled and nodded.

I exited the room and left the building. I got my phone out and started texting the hacker. We decided to meet up at a café. I made my way to the café and waited for him to arrive. After a few minutes a car parked in front of the shop and a man with light blue hair came out of the car. He went inside the café and I received a text from the hacker. I told him the table I was at and noticed the light blue haired man look at his phone and started walking towards me.

"Are you Minako Okukawa?" He asked me.

"I am."

"I'm Tomura Shigaraki, the person you're going to hire." He said and took a seat in front of me. He ordered a coffee and I did too.

"So what are the details about this job?" He asked me.

"Can you make it possible so the information of a person can be unknown?"

"Of course I can. All I need is my payment and your person will be gone from internet searches."

"How does it work? Doesn't everyone need to have their information out there?"

"Well you can always give them a tiny bit. Something that won't give out the whole picture. You understand or do I need to explain it?"

A waitress came and placed our coffees down. She left afterwards and we continued our chat.

"What type of information?"

"The basic. Hair and eye color. Name and height. Nothing to much, birthday is out of the question."

"So if someone were to look them up, this would be the only thing they could find?"

"Of course, however there will always be someone who will try to dig up that unknown information."

"How are you going to deal with them?"

"Easy, deny their accesses. My phone will be connected to this person's information. Anytime someone will try to dig up info I'll be notified and will deny access."

"Why can't you just deny access to everyone? I'm sure you're busy with other stuff."

"You see, there are some people who need that information. If they see that someone has purposely hid it they will be suspicious and you'll get into legal trouble. I'm talking about law and political people and the people from medical fields. If its an emergency and they don't see that info they'll get you in trouble."

"I see, so you're confident that you can do whatever it takes to keep the information covered."

"I'm confident and able to as long as you pay."

"Very well. How much?"

"I'll say 52968 yen($500) monthly, for now at least."


"Name of the person?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)"

"Wait, (L/N)? Is she the daughter of (M/N) and (F/N) (L/N)?"

"Yea, how did you know?"

"Mrs. (L/N) was such a nice lady. She helped me when I was a child before my master adopted me. She continued to help me afterwards but then met her husband and decided to start a family of her own. She never forgot me though, she would always send me a present for my birthday and Christmas. Since its her daughter we're talking about, I want to know why you want to keep her a secret." He told me. I was shocked upon hearing this. So this is why she told me to look for him specifically.

"Well since you know her I'll tell you, I also trust that you'll keep quiet about it. Two days ago there was a bombing at a house. That was the (L/N)'s house. The police were able to catch the culprits and interrogate them. Apparently (F/N) sent them. He was in a big debt with two different people. He offered to give his daughter as payment to one of them. The other found out and got furious. The other person decided to send men to the house and kill the girl before the other could get her. They thought she was home since she was there for the past two months in the same position. They placed a bomb directly under where she was supposed to be to kill her. They placed another bomb on (M/N)'s shrine since it contained gold. They thought that if they other men found it they could get it. They were envious and decided to use the 'if I can't have it, then no one can' card. And so its dangerous for (Y/N) now since there are people out there who want to harm her." I explained.

"That's not a father, that's an asshole. I'll do my best to keep her safe, for her sake and (M/N)'s sake. I want her to rest in peace. I won't charge you anything. I'm going to do this job so (Y/N) can be safe." He told me.

"Are you sure you don't want to get paid? I know hacking is a serious job and you should get payed." I insisted.

"No, I'm doing this to keep her safe. I owe (M/N) a favor and this should be how I repay her." He said. He got up from his chair. "I should get going now. The quicker she gets hidden the safer she'll be." He said and left.

This really was the reason why you wanted me to call him.

The night before.


'Huh? Who's there?'

"Its me, (M/N)."

'(M/N)? But aren't you?'

"Dead? Yes, but I came here to tell you something important to please listen carefully I only have a certain amount of time."

'I'm listening.'

"(F/N) did something awful and I can't believe it. You already know since the police told you. But I fear that if we don't do something my little girl will be targeted again and again. So I want you to hire a hacker and get him to delete any information about (Y/N)."

'Ok, I'll look for the best hacker and hire them.'

"No, look for a hacker that goes by the name of Tomura Shigaraki. His number is written in my house. In the library there is a book about figure skating. Inside there is a tiny envelope, you're going to have to look hard to find it. Inside is going to be his number and name."

'Ok, but will it still be there? Your house it was-

"I know. However the library was on the opposite side of the explosion so it shouldn't have been affected."

'Ok, but why him specifically?'

"Trust me, it has to be him. I don't have much time left. Please protect (Y/N), even from her own father."

'I promise I'll protect her.'

"Thank you, I must go now."

'Wait, you didn't really answer my question.'



Sorry for not updating before. I got really busy with a lot of stuff so I wasn't able to update. I am so happy that this book has gotten so many views along with likes and comments. Thank you for everything and I hope I can keep updating. See you soon, hopefully.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now