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(A/N, once again thank you for the 1k views. Like I said in the previous chapter, I want to do something to 'celebrate'. If you guys want something in particular I can do so. For example if you guys want daily updates I can. Feel free to comment. Also I put in a deadline of July 22, 2020. If I don't get any comments by then I will update daily for either two weeks or until the end of this fanfic. Anyways thank you again.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

I stayed with Minako for the meantime since I still didn't want Yuri to find out I was back. I rested for a few days before we flew to where the Grand Pix Finals were gonna take place, Barcelona. Before the short programs, well the night before, Minako and Mari went to dine with the skaters. I stayed at the hotel to prevent Yuri from seeing me. I still hadn't charged my phone so I was on my bed looking at a magazine.

'Skater Enji Todoroki's (aka Endeavor) youngest son is on his way to become his father's successor.'

'Shoto Todoroki now modeling some ice skating outfits'

'The fuck?! Why is he everywhere?!'

I closed the magazine and threw it across the room.

"Hey! Watch where you throw stuff!" Minako said. I hadn't noticed they were back. I didn't even hear the door open.

"Opps. So how was dinner?"

"It was great until they started saying how they were going to win gold and stuff." Mari said putting her stuff down.

"Got you some dinner." Minako told me waving a bag in front of me.

"Thanks!" I sat up and grabbed the bag.

"Tomorrow they're going to do their short program." Minako informed me

"Ok." I said before stuffing my mouth with food. These two left to eat and left me to starve.

"So why did you throw the magazine?" Mari asked me.

"Just got bored of it." I said. Minako picked it up and started looking at it.

"Hey isn't this Todoroki guy the second famous skater who graduated from UA?" Minako asked.

"Gotta be more specific. There are like six Todorokis but only like two graduated from UA."

"Enji, well Endeavor."

"Then yea he is. Little bitch whinging about being second." I said looking down at my food. I looked up and saw Minako and Mari with shocked faces.

"What?" I questioned.

"Since when did you cuss?" Mari asked me. I just shrugged and continued to eat.

"Oh my, his son is quite a hottie. Hey (Y/N), wasn't he in your class?" Minako asked looking at the magazine.

I rolled my eyes, "Yea he was."

"Lemme see!" Mari said standing up and going next to Minako.

"Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. They're both little bitches." I said softly.

"What?" Minako asked me.

"Nothing. So who else is skating along side Yuri?" I asked.

"Well, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Phichit Chulanont, and Christophe Giacometti." Minako answered me. She kept looking at the magazine with Mari while I kept eating.

"Oh yea, I heard that UA had some dance competitions and two groups out of Group A competed. I also heard they won." Minako said

"Well that's good, I knew they could do it." I said happy for the Bakusquad.

~the next day (at the ice rink for the short programs)~

I was sitting in the stands with Mari and Minako. We did our best to try and hide me since I didn't want Yuri to see me. Yuri didn't yet to the 100th points on his free skate but he still got second place for now. The other Yuri, who is from Russia, surpassed a famous skater' s world record. Minako and Mari call him 'Yurio' since he had the same name as Yuri. I didn't want to call him by any nickname since I haven't properly met him. Anyhow, lets talk about something really important. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YURI?! He used to be innocent looking, I never thought I would see him try to 'seduce' while skating. This is a whole new side of Yuri I've never seen before. I'm happy for him despite the fact he was practically seducing people with those moves. I'm glad he is confident with himself now. He has the talent, its just the lack of self esteem that brought him down. According to Minako his new coach has helped him a lot. I want to meet this new coach and thank him. I feel like a proud mother.

Today is it, today is the day of the free skates and the day that determines the winner. Of course I was with Minako and Mari. Yuri skated 3rd since he had a total score of 97.83 on his short program. His skating was beautiful as well as the song he choose. I also liked the name, Yuri on Ice. He also beat the other world record set by the same famous skater. I was extremely proud of him. He had a total of 319.41 making him 1st place, for now.

I decided to go to the restroom while Minako left to do 'fangirling'. Yuri had finished skating and this guy named Christophe was skating. As I was walking back someone bumped into me.

"Watch where you're going, loser!" A boy yelled at me. He had a Russian accent and blond hair. I recognized him as a skater. I, of course, fell from the impact since my legs were still weak.

"Ah, sorry!" I apologized even though he bumped into me. I didn't want to start a fight and miss my chance at seeing the final results. He 'tched' and left me. Minako came back from putting a rose wreath on Christophe. She saw me on the floor and looked at me curiously.

"Did you fall?" She asked.

"Nah, I just enjoy the floor so much that I decided to sit on it. I just hurt my butt a bit but its all good." I said sarcastically. She looked at me weird.

"So you didn't fall?"

"No. Of course I fucking did! I didn't decide to watch from the floor, a place I can't even see from! Now help me up!" I said, well more like yelled.

"Oh sorry. Hey, what type of people did you exactly hang out with back at UA?" She asked as she was helping me up.

"Why you asking?"

"You seem different. As in you cuss and you just yelled. Someone must of been a bad influence on you."

"The only bad influence was a bitch and an asshole."

"What happened?"

"Nothing, forget I said anything."


Minako helped me up and we went back to our seats. Mari had stayed to 'save' our spots. I sat down and continued to watch the people skate.

"Hey are you that skater (Y/N) (L/N)?"

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now