the wedding

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*Louis's P.O.V*

My mom is standing infront of me with the widest smile I've ever seen on her face. She fixes my colar and when she's done she pats my shoulder. "Aren't you excited, Louis?" she beams. It's Fizzy's wedding and I think she's even more excited than her. "I am, I really am." I smile at her and her smile becomes wider. She looks at her watch and a frown covers her face. "Louis?" she asks me, with panic in her voice. "yes mom?"

"is it true that it's already 2?" I slip my phone out of my pockets and check the time: 1:58. "yes, it is."

"oh my god! Louis we're not done yet we only have 15 minutes left, what a disaster!" she screams while she runs around the room like a crazy woman. "mom, calm down. What do you need to do?" she stares at me and then bursts out laughing. I frown at her but then start laughing too. "I don't need to do anything, I'm just so nervous!" she says when she's done lauging. I walk over to her and give her a hug. "mom, it's fine. Fiz is okay, it's gonna be fun. just believe me." I pull away and give her a smile. "thank you Louis." she says, "but we got to go now!"

"yes mom, okay let's go." I grab my jacket and leave the room, following my mom outside. I have to admit I'm nervous too, but that's more because of the fact that I haven't met Thomas's, my soon to be brother-in-law, family yet. "Louis! You coming?" My mom screams, she's already in the car. I chuckle at her and walk towards the car. I get in the drivers seet and start the engine. It's not that long to the church where the wedding is held but it seems like an eternity because my mom keeps asking me questions I don't even have an answer to.

When we finally arrive at the church my mom basically bursts out of the car and waits for me to get out while she taps her fingers impatiently on the window. "Louis come on! We need to see if everything looks alright." she says to me, throwing her arms in the air.

"mom, listen. As I said before everything is perfectly fine come on let's go inside." I hook my arm in hers and we walk into the church. The decorations are beautiful. Everything is white and the july sun peeks through the church window. I look at my mom and see she's already about to cry. "mom." I smile at her, "I said it was going to be absolutly amazing." She looks at me and pulls me in for a hug. "Thank you, Louis. I have no idea what I would have done without you." She pulls away and I smile at her. "Lets sit down." she adds with a huge smile on her face. There aren't that much people yet, we're early after all.

- - -

Félicité is married and it's finally time to meet my 'new' family. We're at the party and I'm nervous, to say the least. Fizzy comes walking towards me and tugs at my arm. "Louis! come on, they're waiting for you to meet them!" she gives me a smile and starts walking. I follow closely behind her. We need to stop a few times because people need to congratulate Fizzy on her marriage. After like 5 minutes we finally come to a halt and Fizzy starts talking to a, a little stern looking man. When he comes walking towards me I smile at him. "You must be Louis!" he says, "We heared a lot about you. I'm Jan, I'm Thomas' father." I shake his hand, "Yes I am, it's very nice to finally meet you, Jan." He doesn't seem that bad after all. After Jan follow Thomas' mother and 2 little sisters, who are only 10 yet. And then it's time for Thomas' brother and I swear to god, when I see him the world stops for a second. It may sound cheesy, but it's true. He's the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. His blue eyes piercing right through my soul and his blond hair blowing around his head because of the wind "uh," he snaps me out of my thoughts, "I'm uh, Niall?"

*Niall's P.O.V*

holy shit. That's the first thing that comes up into my mind when I see him. I totally lost my ability to speak. Is he even real. He looks like an angel. "uh, I'm uh, Niall?" I more ask than say. It looks like he snaps out of his thoughts. "yes, hi. I'm Louis." he smiles at me and kind of awkwardly shakes my hand. Our hands touching each other a little more and longer than necessary. "soo," I try to break the awkwardness. "do you have a boyfriend?" he blurts out before he probably notices. I guess Thomas told him I was gay or it's just him guessing it right. Suddenly his eyes go wide and he flaps his hand over his mouth, letting me know he wasn't planning on saying that. "No, I don't," I say, giving him a smile, "I'm married." I add the last part just to see how he reacts, ofcourse I'm not married I just turned 20. His face becomes almost redder than a tomato. "uh, oh. sorry." He stutters. I let out a laugh and pat him on his arm. "oh god, I was just joking. I don't even have a boyfriend." He tries to look mad but then he starts laughing too. "Okay, that was uhm, embarrasing."

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