The interview

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*Niall's POV*

I have to interview Louis Tomlinson today. What I have heard of him doesn't sound really good. I've heard that he's really rude and only complains about everything. I don't know if it's true so I have to see for myself.

If you haven't noticed yet I am an interviewer. I interview people for a tv show and have met a lot of famous people. I don't want to brag or anything, but the tv show is pretty popular.

I hope the day goes how I planned it...

*Louis' POV* (something new 😃 2 POV's in 1 one shot)

I have another interview today. Everyone always thinks that I'm rude, but that's not true. There was just one time where the interviewer began to talk nonsense about me. He began to say that I can't sing, that all my fame is because other people and that I only have fake friends.

I got mad at the interview and said a few thinks I'm not proud of. But now everyone thinks I'm rude.

I arrive at the building where the interview is and walk inside. I walk to the front desk:

'Hi! I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'm here for the interview' I tell her.

'Welcome Louis! You can just walk in that direction (one direction 😜) and it's the second door on your right' she tells me. I thank her and walk in that direction.

When I walk in the room I see a few camera's, a lot of light, a couch and a chair. A guy with blond hair walks in my direction.

'Hi! I'm Niall and I'm your interviewer today. Make yourself at home and if you need something just tell me. You can sit on the couch and we begin with the interview in about 10 minutes' he explains to me.

'Thank you' I smile at him friendly. It's not often that interviewers are friendly to me since the incident.

I sit down on the couch and grab my phone so I can play a game while I wait.

*Niall's POV* (surprise surprise!)

I walk away from Louis and notice that he's actually a really nice guy. I look at my paper where the questions are and read them once again.

When I'm ready for the interview I walk to Louis and ask him:

'Are you ready for the interview?' He nods with a smile on his face.

'Alright! We're about to start. I'm just going to ask you questions like every other interview and if you don't feel comfortable answering them just tell me and we go to the next question. The interview is not live so don't be nervous if there's something you don't want on tv just say it and we don't show it in the show. Any questions?' I tell him.

'I don't have a question about what you just said, but can I maybe have some water? If it's a problem then it's okey I'm just a little thirsty.' He asks me.

'No problem. Water is coming.' He nods and we begin with the interview.

'Hello welcome to RTL late night. (That's a show in Holland.) we have a special guest here. It's Louis Tomlinson!'

Louis how are you doing?'

'I'm doing really good! A tour coming up and I'm working on my new album.'

I keep asking him questions about his tour and new album.

'There's a question that I think is really boring because everyone probably asks this question, but are you single or taken?' I ask him.

'I'm single' he answers.

*Louis' POV*

It's a really fun interview! Niall is really nice and doesn't ask questions which everyone asks, but he asks original questions. When the interview is over and the camera's are off I begin to talk to him.

'Thanks for the interview. It was fun. You don't ask standard questions and I like that.' I tell him.

He smiles at me and says 'you don't have to thank me! It was not an problem. And thanks for the compliment I try to be a bit original with the questions' he tells me.

We begin to talk about a lot of things and I learn a lot about him. He's really funny, sweet and handsome.

When it's time to leave I stand up.
'Can I maybe have your number. I had a really great time and hope to talk to you again.'

'Yeah of course! I had also a great time! It was really nice talking to you.' He tells me and hands his phone to me. I grab my phone and give it to him. I type my number in his phone and give it back to him.

Before I leave I walk close to him and give him a soft kiss on the cheek. 
'I really hope to see you again' I whisper in his ear. I feel him shiver and he begins to blush. I smirk to myself and walk to the door. When I'm about to close the door (I already am in the corridor) I hear a soft whisper.

'I also really like to see you again Louis' I don't know if I'm meant to hear it, but I hear it and there's instantly an huge smile on my face.

• 1 month later •

(It's still Louis' POV and he's in an interview)

'So Louis there are a lot of rumors that you have a boyfriend. Is that true?' Asks the interviewer.

'It's true. I have a handsome, sweet, funny and caring boyfriend. His name is Niall...'


2 one shots in 1 day! It's not very long, I hope you don't mind. I don't think this is the best one shot I've ever written but it's alright!



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