Chapter 3 What I Can Do for Now

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Aileen exhales softly and patting her heart. She's nervous and attending one of the best schools in Japan, U.A. The blue-haired girl never attended any classes before back in her world because professor Sycamore is the one who taught them everything. "Nervous?" She turned around to see her sister is leaning on the door.

"I usually traveled and to think I'm going to attend school." She gulps and sighs nervously. "Do you think I would fit in, sis?"

"Of course!" Aileen cries out in shock to see Mirio appeared in front of her wall by using his Quirk to phase through it. "You're going to enjoy U.A, Ai-chan!" He approached the blue-haired girl and hold her hands. "I know it's different from the ones you traveled before. You are going to be just fine and be yourself!"

"Just like what Mirio said." Clara approached them. "You would get used to them and I know you can adapt to the environment we once had before."

"Yeah." Aileen smiles before glaring at the blond boy. "Which part of private privacy you don't understand, Mirio-senpai!?" She throws the hairbrush at him and Mirio dodges it.

"My goddess is worried about you and I couldn't help but overheard your conversation!" Mirio defended himself. "I know you're ready for the first day of school!"

"That doesn't give you the right barge in!?" Aileen yelled angrily and sighs heavily. "I can handle Ophie's happy-go-lucky and I don't need another one." She sighs heavily and Mirio smiles cheekily.

Clara simply shook her head and holding Mirio's hand. "Come on, we can't be late for our first day of school."

Pokemon Heroes

Gallade frowned and looks down at the clothes he's wearing right now. Gallade, Aileen and Ophelia are wearing their U.A uniform from their first day of school. "I still don't understand how humans wear clothes normally. I feel uncomfortable wearing it." The blade Pokemon grumbled under his breath and Aileen smiles sheepishly at him.

"Sorry, Gallade." Aileen patted his head. "We didn't mean to force you wearing clothes and you only wanted to wear the necklace with the mega-stone on it."

"The sooner the day is over." Ophelia spoke up and smiles at them. "You can remove the clothes once we're at home~!"

"At least you guys have the tendency to move around whereas I have to stick pretending to be a stuffed toy all day." Meowstic grumbled under his breath. He's still annoyed to become a stuffed toy again.

"Ah! Gallade-san, Ambrosius-san and Aileen-san." They turned around to see Midoriya is approaching them. "Ah! I'm happy you guys passed too!" He smiles to see them again.

"I know right~!?" Ophelia winks at the dark-green haired boy and he blushed. "Hehe... at least you know someone with familiar faces to get along with."

"Yeah!" He stares at the blonde girl. "Um... about what you said about changing my life... is this what it means?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, and there's more than that as well, Midoriya Izuku." Ophelia answered mysteriously and Aileen noticed her friend sees Midoriya's future but she remained silent. "Let's do our best and give everything we got!" She raises her right hand to bump her fist against Midoriya.

"Yeah!" Midoriya answered happily and bumps his fists against her.

"Don't you think they're over the top to make this door huge?" Gallade asked curiously and stared at the door in front of them.

"You mean how much they spend a lot of money to make this school extravagant?" Aileen corrected her partner.

"The elite has chosen from the huge number at the exam." Midoriya gulps nervously and clenching the strap of his yellow bag.

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