Chapter 1 What It Takes to Be a Hero

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2 years later

Aldera Junior High ||Musutafu, Japan||

"Lee-lee! Hurry up!"

"For the love of Arceus, slow down! Ophie!" The blue-haired girl is gritting her teeth angrily.

2 years ago they encounter Hoopa who's descended from the sky and transported them somewhere to meet the God of Pokemon, Arceus. Arceus seeks their help to assist Clara, Ultra Beast and Virizion. In order to help them out, they need to train for 2 years with all their Pokemon to get themselves ready for the challenges they ever face. Arceus decided to meet one of his most trusted allies to help Clara and the others out to save other Pokemon are no other than Principal Nezu and their number 1 hero, All Might. The girls are shocked to see Principal Nezu because they assume he's a Pokemon due to his similar Ratata from their world. Principal Nezu assured them he's not a Pokemon but he has a quirk just like All Might. Principal Nezu also explained there are rare cases of an animal inherits quirk and it makes them calm down. They even offered if they are going to accept as a recommendation students but they immediately reject because the girls didn't want to raise suspicious why they know them very well.

Both girls are with their partners, Gallade and Meowstic,  join them since they didn't want to stay in the ball. Gallade can blend in because people thought he was once a human and turning himself into a different person due to his Quirk whereas Meowstic can pretend into a plush toy much of his displeased look. No one actually knows both of them are Pokemon and decided to keep it a secret. Gallade is been forced down to wear human clothes despite it makes him uncomfortable.

"Don't you think we're breaking in the school?" Meowstic asked and sighs heavily. "What's the whole point of strolling around in every school!?" He asked with an angry thick mark.

Ophelia decided to stroll the school rather than the famous tourist spot area because it's fun in her opinion. Aileen thinks otherwise because going to a different school is pointless.

"Mou, where's your sense of adventure, guys!?" Ophelia exclaimed and pouts. "New adventure and world! Here we come!" Punching her arms into the air and jumps happily.

Aileen is clenching her hands and whacks Ophelia's head. "Idiot! You're going to get us in trouble!" She exclaimed angrily and wringing her neck.

"Maa, maa, Lee-lee! You're going to get early wrinkles and grey hair if you get angry~! It doesn't suit you at all."


Gallade is sweat dropping and trying to stop their fight. He paused and looked up to see a burned notebook is dropping towards him. The blade Pokemon catches it and read the front page 'Hero Analysis for the Future No. 13'. "Who threw their notebook in the first place?" He asked out loud and the girls paused their bickering.

"May, I?" Meowstic asked and Gallade handed him the notebook. He's scheming in every page. "I see, it contains a lot of hero information with their abilities."

"Who would throw this notebook?" Aileen asked them with a curious look on her face. "If someone falls into the wrong hands, they can take advantage for it." She pointed out.

"Ah, a student boy is coming towards us." Ophelia informed them and Meowstic pretends to be stuff toy and lay limp on Gallade's arm.

"Are you the owner of this notebook by any chance?" Aileen asked him curiously. She stared at him curiously and noticed he's around their age or maybe a bit older by a month or year.

His round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as his hair and what catches Aileen's attention is his freckles on both cheeks. The blue-haired girl noticed he's shy based on his behavior.

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