Say Something

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Angst drabble collection. Every pup will have a scene, including Everest, Tracker, Tuck, Ella, and Rex. All the pups will appear at least twice. The song is Say Something by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera.

Warning: Long chapter ahead and a mini spoiler alert for those who haven't watched Pups Save the Lost Dino Eggs yet

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Say something I'm giving up on you

Rubble shivered in a small box that he found near the vents. A snowstorm was raging outside his little home, and there was no guarantee that his shelter would last the night.

I will survive this winter, the bulldog thought as he curled up on the floor and tried to sleep.

I hope.

I'll be the one if you want me to

Chase hid his face on his mother's side as he tried to stop the tears that kept flowing from his eyes.

His mother had worked as a police. In fact, she was the top police dog in Adventure Bay. She did a lot of dangerous things that Chase was constantly afraid that she might not come home alive.

He didn't expect cancer to be the cause of her death, however.

Chase planted a kiss on his mother's forehead and whispered against her ear.

"I will make you proud, mother."

Anywhere I would've followed you

Tracker walked alone in the middle of the jungle, trying to find the way he came from. He was cold, hungry, and scared. It was nearing dark and who knows what kind of animals live there.

My owners are probably looking for me, the chihuahua thought desperately. They wouldn't leave me.

Tracker whimpered as he heard some unfamiliar growling behind him and tried to make himself as small as possible.


Say something I'm giving up on you

"Mom? Dad?"

Everest shivered against the cold wind of the Arctic and pushed herself to walk. She was walking alone for a few days now, and she had to find her home. Her parents are probably worried when she didn't get home.

The husky's ears perked up when she saw a familiar bridge in a distance. She howled in joy as she bounded across the bridge and to their igloo.

"Mom? Dad? I'm..."

Everest's happy demeanor changed when she saw what's in front of her.


Two bloody bodies lay on the floor of their makeshift house and Everest could smell the lingering scent of a polar bear.

"Mom? Dad?" she whispered tearfully as she nuzzled her parents' bodies.

"I'm sorry."

And I am feeling so small

Rocky didn't dare make a sound as he cowered behind the trash cans in the corner of the alley. He knew they would be able to sniff him out soon, but he hoped that his scent would mix with the smell of garbage.

But of course, it didn't go that way.

The terrier mix whimpered as he felt himself get dragged by the scruff of his neck from his hiding place.

"Think you can escape from us, mutt?" the leader of the gang of dogs growled in his ear, making him whimper even more.

Someone, please help me, Rocky thought as the dogs advanced on him. I don't want to die yet.

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