Birth of a superbeing

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Everyone looks at kars in fear of his new profound power. "we're all gonna be food for this walking museum piece!" Smokey yells out as kars look at joseph and y/n together licking his lips. "Don't worry I've got a plan." Joseph walks over to Speedwagon with all eyes on him and y/n seemingly disappears moments before.

"It's an all-or-nothing gamble," Joseph says and von Stroheim repeats it making sure he heard right. "Yeah, it's my final move" Smokey gasps realizing what Jojo meant and he raises a hand." you're not referring to that final move..are you? Where's y/n?" Smokey looks around and facepalms. 'mannn...she left me here to die too.'

"This is something you have to do yourself."Joseph turns looking back behind his shoulder as the others nodded. "Just tell me what to do and I'll follow your lead, Jojo." Von Stroheim says and Jojo lets out a chuckle as he bends down on the ground and he takes the stone of Aja quickly running away. "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"

He runs right past kars who calls him 'a Special case'. He chases after Jojo growing wings as he poses in the sunlight basking in its glory. Flying after smokey and Jojo who were panicking and running. "I can't think with you yelling..but we've still got our dignity smokey!"Jojo jumps from the edge of a cliff as smokey goes along with him leading kars away from the group of people.

"Why are you running with me anyways? I'll take it badly if you die because of me today."Joseph says and smokey shouts back at him."It's because y/n isn't here with you!... There's something you should know as well Jojo. Lisa Lisa Is more than just a Hamon master she's you-" The sound of kars swooping in close makes smokey stop talking. "Damn it that was fast! Quit flapping you son of a bitch!"

Jojo suddenly jumps off of another cliff this time by the ocean as smokey stops running and yelling for joseph as kars tries to swoop in and go for the kill he's met with an airplane that shocks him. "Woohoo! Come on you fucking birdbrain! Follow me" Y/n says in a singsong voice and it makes kars angrier as he chases after them.

Joseph managed to get inside of the flying aircraft and he makes y/n get up and sit beside him. "Good work, now we gotta find a way to get rid of him..for good." Y/n says as joseph agrees to nod his head. Jojo sped towards kars and used the warplane to shoot at him only for kars to defend himself & he uses his features to shoot back. Y/n is seen sliding toward the back of the plane trying to. Look for something to retaliate with and she finds a handgun in one of the bags.

But her findings would be proven useless as kars feathers went through the plane and stabbed themselves into the interior of it. "Dirty pool-playing bastard.." The gun fell into pieces in y/n's hands. The plane descends into the water and joseph Struggles only a bit before raising it up. Joseph flies high above the clouds as y/n comes back next to him holding a backpack in her hands as she nudges joseph gaining his attention. "I feel like we'll need a parachute, and there's only one. So if you feel like jumping out..go ahead I can take the plane from here"

Jojo only laughs shaking his head as he keeps his eyes forward. "Women love taking the glory...but..we're gonna do this together..and then we're going to see a doctor about that baby to make sure it's strong and healthy!" Y/n smiles slightly, she wasn't even going to pretend like it would all be okay because, in the end, she was still scared of the outcome of everything that would come with it.

She listens as Jojo talks to Speedwagon over the radio. He pulls out a map and points to a volcano and he looks up at y/n slightly showing her his idea, she reluctantly agrees to his plan and sits down putting on her seat belt, as joseph announces his plan to smokey & Speedwagon.

The sound of chewing distracts y/n and she witnesses a piranha fall down and bite joseph as many more surround the control system and chew on it. "Agh! Are you kidding me?! Piranhas huh? That's logical! Y/n up now! Put that parachute on!" Joseph sees a piranha falling towards y/n and he grabs it mid-air throwing it to the back of the warplane as y/n shoots up buckling up the parachute right away only to see a piranha chewing its way out the parachute. Y/n throws it off and looks at Jojo in slight despair, her hope leaving her eyes as she heard the sound of the propeller getting stuck on something. Joseph gets up and pulls her back right as the side of the plane blew up, glass flies into Joseph's face making him scream and groan in pain. Y/n looks at joseph with wide eyes screaming as the plane descends to the ground.

Y/n makes joseph sit down beside her opposite of the hole in the plane and she stops freaking out calming down as she throws the faulty parachute out along with raggedy makeshift dolls. She watches as kars takes the bait thinking It's them and by the time he realizes it isn't, it's too late.

Y/n drives the plane into kars with an angry look on her face as she lets out a yell. "You and I have a date with that damned volcano! Joseph is the fucking chaperone, so sit fucking tight and enjoy the got damned ride!" Blood dripped down y/n head as she hits kars right on driving him deeper into the volcano.

"You're a lunatic!" Kars yells at y/n and she laughs back before her face shows even more anger than before, the Hamon was overwhelming her, and her eyes turned to a golden hue as she. Had gotten angrier her emotions getting the best of her. "You tried to kill caesar! You tried to kill my baby! You hurt coach! You don't fight fair and you didn't even acknowledge wammu the right way until after you had gotten the stone of Aja you fucking moldy grape!" Y/n says as joseph chuckles. But that gets drowned out by her memories coming back again hitting her even harder than the last time.

'My mother..was f/n l/n..a Hamon user and my father was in the air fleet...friends to the joestar's...they suffered the same fate and died at the hands of pillarmen...mother, tried her best to hide me from the world since the pillar men wanted Hamon wasn't normal and something I couldn't control was dangerous..i...killed a pillar man, because he killed mother. She was a wealthy woman, so it left me better off. Elizabeth...Lisa coach had only seen me a few times since my mother's death as a child to ensure I was living alright with my foster family..but.. disappeared soon after. I hope she'll tell me more things about myself in the future..or at least about my mother' the many memories of y/n playing in her home garden with the other children that lived in the tribal compound played in her mind and an early memory played out in y/n's mind...maybe her first memory...she saw her father smiling at her and her mother laying in a bed tired but happy.

Y/n snaps it of her memories and she turned to joseph who also seemed to be pondering in his thoughts. Until kars were about to leave his unwanted but awaiting death like a coward...that is until Von Stroheim made a surprising appearance and launched the hand towards him. Leaving him stuck to the nose of the plane. "Damn you, von Stroheim!"

"When did you get on the plane?" Von Stroheim chuckles and looks at the young pair. "I Wasnt sure you could handle this alone. Next time I should stow away in the cabin proper!" Von Stroheim then tells Jojo to grab y/n and jump out. Joseph nods and prepares to jump grabbing y/n. But he hesitates to see y/n look down at the magma below.

"Unless you both want to die! Jump!" Both y/n and joseph scream as the plane crashes into the volcano below. Speedwagon is holding. The radio in his hand waiting for Jojo or y/n to at least get back to him but he hears nothing but static before the line gets cut dead. His hand visibly shakes as he worries hoping that y/n and joseph both made it out safe.

{To be continued 👉}

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