Part 2

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In the dimly lit expanse of my chambers, draped in the opulence of black satin, I surveyed my reflection with a critical eye. A shimmering gold headband adorned my brow, a stark contrast against the darkness that enveloped me. Satisfied with my appearance, I summoned my loyal servant, Icy, with a flick of my wrist.

"Icy, please come in," I called, my voice echoing through the silent chamber.In his customary deference, Icy appeared promptly, his presence a familiar comfort amidst the solitude.

"Madam, with what may I serve you?" he inquired, his tone tinged with unwavering loyalty."I intend to venture into Brooklyn to pay a visit to our esteemed warlock. Raise the security around the perimeter and alert me to any disturbances," I commanded, my voice betraying a hint of urgency."Yes, madam, I won't fail you," he replied, his assurance unwavering.

With a nod of dismissal, I watched as he departed, his figure fading into the shadows as he carried out my orders.

Left alone in the silence, I rose from my throne with purpose, the weight of anticipation heavy upon my shoulders. With a graceful gesture, I conjured a portal, its swirling white fog enveloping me in its embrace. Closing my eyes, I surrendered to the sensation of movement, the world spinning around me as I traversed the ethereal realms.

Moments later, I found myself amidst the bustling streets of Brooklyn, the cacophony of city life surrounding me. Before I could take another step, a voice called out from behind, drawing me from my reverie."Look who decided to leave her lair and come out. But why in the bloody hell did you choose Brooklyn?"

Turning, I beheld the familiar figure of Rebekah Mikaelson, an original vampire and my dearest friend. In moments, she stood by my side, her presence a comforting reassurance amidst the chaos of the city.

"Rebekah, what a pleasant surprise," I greeted, a smile playing at the corners of my lips. "I'm here on business, I'm afraid."Rebekah's brow furrowed with concern, her gaze searching mine for answers.

"Of course, you are. What work do you have?" she inquired, her tone laced with curiosity.

"I am meeting with a warlock who possesses something of mine," I explained cryptically, the weight of my words hanging heavy between us.

Rebekah's expression darkened with concern, her concern mirroring my own."I must accompany you," she insisted, her resolve unwavering.

"Rebekah, I appreciate your concern, but the stakes are high," I cautioned, my tone grave. "Your presence would only complicate matters."

Reluctantly, Rebekah relented, her gaze betraying a flicker of uncertainty."Very well, Domenica," she conceded, her voice tinged with resignation. "But be careful."

We hugged each other and set off in our respective directions—a tall building with a penthouse at the top floor, protected by a force field.

Using the elevator, I ascended to the penthouse and, upon arrival, utilized my powers to breach the protective layer. My abilities were rooted in the shadow world, as I was part angel, part demon, and a powerful witch. I couldn't recall my life before Domenica, only waking up in a grave.

"Well, well, well, look at all this angel blood, and only one demon standing among them. Hello, shadowhunters, and as I suppose, Magnus Bane."

"Look, I don't have time for this. How did you enter? Only I have access."

"I am the dark angel, or as some may know me, I am Domenica. So, Magnus Bane, you asked to see me; here I am. Now, where is the white oak stake?"

"Magnus, we don't have time for this. Clary needs her memories back."

A blonde man interjected, his well-built frame and charming demeanor befitting a shadowhunter. However, my attention shifted to the red-headed girl.


"No, I am Clary. Jocelyn is my mother. Do you know her?"

"Yes, I do. Where is she?"

"She is being captured by Valentine."

"Valentine and his madness. Don't worry, Clary; he won't hurt your mother."

"How do you know that? How can you be so sure? Valentine is a psychopath holding my mother hostage."

This outburst caught me off guard. Usually, people spoke to me with more respect, but Magnus was quick with his words.

"Cupcake, you have to get your memories from a demon. Your mother told me you have a talent for painting. Blond guy, help her; pretty boy, stay here and keep an eye on her. And you, come with me."

As they dispersed, I felt the gaze of the black-haired boy on me.

"Such a waste, I must say."

"What are you talking about?"

Pouring myself some whiskey, I heard his voice, admittedly possessing a seductive tone.

"You, I mean. Look at you—a handsome boy who hasn't yet found the right girl... excuse me, you think you have, but it isn't a girl, is it?"

I smiled sheepishly. As he began to respond, Magnus barged in.

"I see you've made yourself comfortable. If you want that white oak stake, I need a daylight ring."

"Mhm, helping a downworlder friend, I see. But if I give you the ring, you won't find what you are seeking."

After exchanging glares to assess each other's trustworthiness, I handed him the ring.

"There you have it. Now, my white oak stake, and the ring won't be used unless you give it to me."

In his hands, the white oak stake appeared. I took it and gave him the ring before using my magic to vanish.

"I bet Camille would like the taste of the mundane. Bye, Magnus."

With that, I enveloped myself in a golden fog and disappeared from Magnus Bane's presence.

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