Part 5

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I was getting ready to go in hell, i had to go and see Jonathan. Jonathan is a human demon like me and we are in a relationship, he also is Clary's brother but she dosent know that yet.

I wore a tight black dress, some high heels and made a smoke make up. I looked myself in the miror and decided to open the portal to the hell. To be more exact to Eden. I felt the fire burn me and i loved that feeling. Even though my angel side hated it.

Soon enough i had arrived in hell. There were the fire pits, the demons who work for Lilith, me and Jonathan. The sky had a dark red color, the earth felt hot and my angel side soon fell asleep my demon in the other side was awake and really happy, you see my demon really likes Jonathan demon. I arrived at Lilith's home.

- Look who decided to come for a visit, hello Domenica.

- Hello Lilith, well you know i can not stay far away from Jonathan.

- I can clearly see that. He is in his room waiting for you.

With that i left her and entered the dark ruined palace that Lilith called home, i must say even that is spoky, ruined, and dark it had a taste of power and dominance. Soon enough i was at my lovers door. I entered and saw Jonathan laying in his bed sleepng. I approched him making no sound, I layed beside him in his bed and started to call his name and kiss his face and neck.

- Mhm... if only i could wake up like this every time.

- Well you know you can come, your face is healed also your body from the burned, please come Jonathan im my world, there are amazing things out there,

- I know but i want to leave with my powers not yours.

- I know Jonathan but whenever you will need me call me okay.

- Yes i will, also if you need me call me and i will stand by you and help you my love.

- I love you!

This time i saw his eyes, his now dark eyes telling me he is in full demon i loved him i do really love him and i am glad that he does to.

- I love you to domenica, plus this outfit is making you look really sexy.

- Oh really,

I grined my body to his big friend i must say and in that moment he grabed me by my waist than he started to kiss the life out of me while he moved one hand im my ass and the other hand moving to my body i dig my hands in his hair.

I felt him breathing hard and i one swift move he layed me in his bed and we started making love.

After some hours of non stop sex i was laying in his arms.

-Babe i have something for you.

As he said that he opened his drawer and pulled a red necklace.

-This is my promise to you that we will be forever toghether. I love you Domenica i really do and you should now that when i get to see your world you will see me destroying the shadow world and hear horrible things about me.

-Shshsh... babe it is okay

I moved and sit in his lap

- Jonathan i will always love you okay, even with those choices you will have to make but promise me one thing do please and come in my home when you come okay.

- I promise love. Now how about we finish what we started.

- I really like that idea.

And as those words left my mouth Jonathan kissed me.

I was in my room, Marco had informed me that the Bennet with was trying to find me so i decided to give her a massege using my demons power.

I felt my eyes dark and soon enough i teletransported her astral body to my chaimber.

- Hello Bonnie, nice to meet you.

- I asume you are Domenica, where are we? What happened to me?

- We are in my chaimmbers, i astral projected you to me.

-Why did you bring me here?

-You were looking for me, here i am, but i want you to tell the Salvatore brothers to let Sarah go and no harm will come to them.

- They are not afraid of you.

- Then they are fools.

-Why don't you hurt me?

- Because dear Bonnie you are you grandmothers niece and she has done so much for me, this is my way of repaying, you will live a fully witch live never going on the other side, you will die when you go old but trust me on the way to your end you will lose to much. This is the future that beholds you.

-What are you?!

-I am half demon, half angel and fully witch i can posses someone's mind and make them tell me their darkest desires. I can make their nightmares come to reality. I am as they call me Dark Angel.

With that i closed ur link and send her astral projection to her body. ANd my hand went to the neckless that Jonathan gave me but also to the ring that Elijah had given me years ago when i was reborned.

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