Part 7

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The evening air was alive with anticipation as I made my way through the winding streets of Mystic Falls towards the Mikaelson estate. The grandeur of the ball awaited me, a tapestry woven with threads of intrigue and allure that beckoned me forth into its embrace.

My gown, a verdant cascade of silk and lace, flowed around me like a whispering breeze, each delicate fold a testament to the artistry of its creation. Adorned with jewels that caught the light and scattered it like stardust, I felt as though I had stepped into a fairytale, a vision of elegance amidst the shadows of the night.

As I ascended the marble steps of the estate, the scent of roses filled the air, their perfume mingling with the heady aroma of anticipation that hung thick around me. The doors swung open, revealing a world of opulence and grandeur beyond, a symphony of laughter and music that spilled forth into the night.

A flute of champagne found its way into my hand, the effervescent bubbles dancing merrily against the rim as I took a sip, the taste a tantalizing prelude to the delights that awaited within. I navigated the throng of guests with practiced grace, each step a dance of elegance and poise as I made my way deeper into the heart of the festivities.

Amidst the sea of faces, I found solace in the familiar embrace of my dear friend Rebekah, her laughter a melody that danced through the air and warmed my soul. We exchanged greetings and compliments, our words a testament to the bonds of friendship that had weathered the storms of time and trial.

As the night wore on, a familiar figure emerged from the crowd, his presence commanding attention amidst the swirling sea of revelry and intrigue. Elijah, with his noble bearing and piercing gaze, cut a striking figure against the backdrop of the ballroom, his aura one of quiet strength and resolve.

Our eyes met across the expanse of the room, a silent exchange of recognition and understanding passing between us like a secret shared between kindred spirits. With a graceful gesture, he extended his hand towards me, the invitation to dance an unspoken promise of connection and camaraderie amidst the chaos of the evening.

Together, we glided across the polished floor, our movements a fluid symphony of grace and elegance that captivated the attention of all who beheld us. In the depths of his gaze, I saw echoes of a past long forgotten, the memories of shared moments and stolen glances rising to the surface like ghosts from the depths of oblivion.

"Why invite me here?" I dared to ask, the words hanging in the air like a veil of uncertainty between us. His response was measured, his words laden with the weight of unspoken truths and untold secrets that lingered in the spaces between us.

As Elijah and I stood amidst the swirling currents of emotion, his words hung heavy in the air like the tolling of a distant bell, each syllable laden with the weight of unspoken truths and untold secrets. The revelation of Esther's existence sent ripples through the fabric of my reality, a reminder of the shadows that lurked beneath the surface of my existence.

"Esther is alive?" I repeated, the words a whisper against the backdrop of the ballroom's opulent splendor.

He nodded solemnly, his gaze a reflection of the tumultuous thoughts that churned within his mind. "She is," he confirmed, his voice tinged with a note of resignation. "She has information for you, answers about your past. She wants to meet you and the doppelganger."

The mention of Esther stirred echoes of memories long buried, fragments of a past shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Her presence loomed large in the corridors of my consciousness, a specter of the past whose influence extended far beyond the confines of time and space.

"Do you miss her? I mean do you see Tatia or Kathrin in Elena?" I ventured, the question hanging between us like a veil of uncertainty.

His response was measured, his gaze unwavering as he met my eyes with a mixture of longing and regret. "Right now I see only you," he confessed, his words a bittersweet reminder of the bond that had once united us in shared purpose and devotion.

The weight of his admission bore down upon me like an anchor dragging me into the depths of introspection. In that fleeting moment, I realized the futility of clinging to a love that had long since withered beneath the weight of unspoken expectations and unfulfilled promises.

"I know that you do know, Elijah, but it is too late," I murmured, my voice a whisper against the backdrop of the music that swirled around us like a haunting melody.

With a single, decisive motion, I removed the ring he had once given me, its gleaming surface a testament to the dreams that had once danced between us like shadows in the moonlight. In that simple gesture lay the weight of a thousand unspoken truths, a silent acknowledgment of the wounds that lay hidden beneath the veneer of our shared history.


The memory flooded my senses like a torrential downpour, each moment etched into the fabric of my being like a scar upon the skin. Elijah, on bended knee, his eyes alight with the fire of devotion as he offered me a promise of forever.

But even then, amidst the echoes of whispered vows and tender caresses, doubt lingered like a shadow in the corners of my heart. The specter of Kathrin's memory loomed large, a reminder of the fragility of love and the capricious whims of fate.

"I can't marry you, Elijah," I had confessed, the words a bitter truth that tore at the seams of our shared dreams. "Not knowing that when Kathrin decides to give you another chance, you will run into her arms, not when Klaus will need you by his side."

His response was a testament to the depth of his love, a plea for understanding amidst the tumult of conflicting emotions. And yet, even as he slipped the ring onto my finger, I knew that our love was but a fragile thread woven amidst the tapestry of time.

End of flashback 


End of chapter guys, i really hope you like it please vote, coment and share with friends. 


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