Part 8

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Auther note:

This is a flashback from Elijah's pov at the Mikealson ball after Domenica gave him the ring.


Here I was, immersed in the splendor of a magnificent party orchestrated by Rebekah's fiancé in her honor. The grandeur of the occasion was palpable, each detail meticulously arranged to perfection. Laughter and music filled the air, mingling with the tinkling of glasses and the rustle of elegant attire.

Despite the revelry, I found myself standing on the fringes of the celebration, an observer amidst the whirlwind of activity. Nick, ever the charismatic presence, held court with his infectious charm, while Kol, the perennial rogue, found himself entangled in flirtatious banter with a coven of witches. Rebekah, radiant and resplendent, moved effortlessly through the crowd, her smile a beacon of joy amidst the sea of faces.

Amidst the festivities, my sister approached me with an invitation to join her on the dance floor, a rare moment of levity amidst the complexities of our family's dynamics.

"Elijah, come on, party with me. After all, I have found a man who respects and brings happiness to us all," Rebekah implored, her eyes alight with anticipation.

"I know, sister, and I am genuinely happy for you," I replied, a genuine smile gracing my lips despite the weight of my thoughts.

"So, will you take me to the dance floor?" she teased, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I thought you had to torture Nick and your dear fiancé for that privilege," I quipped, the corners of my mouth twitching with amusement.

Rebekah chuckled, a melodic sound that echoed through the corridors of the estate. However, before we could proceed, our attention was diverted by a familiar figure, a dear friend of Rebekah's, who had just arrived at the party.

"Well, dear brother, it seems it's your lucky day. A dear friend of mine has just arrived, and I simply must go greet her," Rebekah announced, her voice filled with excitement.

Curious, I inquired, "Who is she, Rebekah?"

Following her gaze, my eyes settled upon a vision in white, a figure bathed in moonlight and grace. There was something inherently captivating about her, a purity of spirit juxtaposed with a hint of mischief that danced in her eyes.

As Rebekah pointed her out, I couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue, a curiosity sparked by the enigmatic presence of this mysterious newcomer. Little did I know that her arrival would set into motion a series of events that would forever alter the course of our lives.

"Em...! You made it! Oh, how great. Meet one of my brothers, Elijah. Kol and Klaus are probably around enjoying themselves," Rebekah exclaimed, her voice laced with genuine excitement as she introduced me to her friend.

"Please, it's a pleasure to meet you," the newcomer replied, her voice soft yet filled with warmth as she extended a hand in greeting.

"Brother, Em... here is a very dear friend of mine. She has helped me when those lunatic witches captured me," Rebekah explained, her tone carrying a note of gratitude and fondness.

"Well, of course, I would," the woman named Em replied with a gentle smile. "After all, we were both prisoners, and after I helped you, we both escaped."

"I know, but still, if it weren't for you, we would be dead by now," Rebekah acknowledged, her expression reflecting the gravity of their shared ordeal.

"Thank you for saving my sister," I interjected, offering a nod of respect to Em for her courageous act.

She simply smiled in response, a gesture filled with quiet humility and inner strength. As Rebekah excused herself to greet some other guests, I found myself drawn into conversation with Em. We danced, talked, and laughed, the cares of the world momentarily forgotten amidst the revelry of the evening.

Yet, despite the warmth of her presence, I couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that enveloped me in her company. There was something hauntingly familiar about her, a fleeting echo of a past encounter that lingered just beyond the edges of my consciousness.

All that remained of her presence were the faint traces of memories—a glimpse of her eyes full of life, a smile that could illuminate the darkest corners of the room, and the echo of her laughter dancing through the air. In her, I glimpsed the promise of a life unburdened by the weight of our shared history, a dream of freedom and possibility.

Yet, even as I reveled in her company, I couldn't shake the lingering sense of longing that tugged at the corners of my heart. For twenty years, I had searched for her, chasing after the fleeting shadows of memory that danced just beyond my grasp. And now, in the presence of Domenica, I found myself confronted with the echoes of a past that refused to be forgotten, a memory that lingered like a whisper in the night.


So the ending is near guys. But don't worry i will propably make a sequel and please do vote my story, comment and share.

I will also be part of Watty Awards so support me and my book.

That's all for this chapter even though a little short.

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