Part 16

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Dr. Max Elrodi pulled up a chair and sat beside my bed, his expression grave as he prepared to deliver the news I dreaded to hear.

"Miss Benson, you were brought to the hospital after experiencing a severe panic attack," he began, his voice gentle yet tinged with solemnity. "As for your family, I'm afraid there's no easy way to say this... They didn't make it."

His words hit me like a sledgehammer, each syllable echoing in the silence of the room as the weight of his revelation settled heavily upon me.

"I'm sorry, Miss Benson. Your family... they were victims of a tragic incident," Dr. Elrodi continued, his tone filled with empathy as he sought to offer me some semblance of comfort in the midst of my despair.

Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over as the enormity of the loss washed over me like a tidal wave. My family... gone. The thought was too much to bear.

"How... How did it happen?" I managed to choke out, my voice trembling with emotion.

Dr. Elrodi hesitated for a moment, his gaze filled with sympathy as he prepared to recount the events that had led to the devastating loss of my loved ones.

"There was a fire... in your home," he explained gently, his words hanging in the air like a heavy shroud. "It's believed to have been caused by... an act of arson."

Arson. The word reverberated in my mind, sending a chill down my spine as I struggled to comprehend the senseless violence that had torn my family apart.

"And Uriel?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I braced myself for the answer.

Dr. Elrodi's expression softened, his eyes betraying a hint of sorrow as he delivered the final blow.

"I'm afraid he... didn't make it either," he replied, his words laden with the weight of grief.

Tears streamed down my cheeks unchecked, each drop a testament to the pain and anguish that consumed me in the wake of such unfathomable loss.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Benson," Dr. Elrodi murmured, his voice a soothing balm in the midst of my turmoil. "If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask."

But there was nothing anyone could do to ease the pain that gnawed at my soul, nothing that could fill the void left by the absence of those I held most dear.

Alone in my grief, I lay in the hospital bed, the weight of sorrow pressing down upon me like a suffocating blanket as I grappled with the magnitude of my loss.

The air was heavy with grief as I stood amidst the desolation of the once-enchanting forest. Dead leaves rustled underfoot, a mournful symphony that echoed the emptiness in my heart. The vibrant hues of the past had faded, replaced by a somber palette of grays and browns that mirrored the bleakness of my soul.

I traced my fingers over the rough bark of the tree where our initials, U and E, were carved, a poignant reminder of the love we had shared amidst the beauty of nature. Tears welled in my eyes as memories of happier times flooded my mind, each recollection a bittersweet tribute to the love that had been torn from me so cruelly.

I sank to my knees, the damp earth cold beneath me as I clutched a locket that once held a cherished photograph of Uriel and me. Now, it served as a tangible link to the past, a testament to a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

In the silence of the forest, I whispered words of love and longing to the wind, hoping against hope that somehow, somewhere, Uriel could hear my heart's lament. But the only response was the mournful sigh of the breeze, carrying with it the echoes of my sorrow.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, I rose to my feet, a solitary figure in a world that had lost its magic. With each step, I carried the weight of my grief, a burden too heavy to bear yet impossible to set aside.

But amidst the darkness, a flicker of determination ignited within me—a resolve to honor the memory of those I had lost, to carry their love with me as a beacon of light in the darkest of nights.

With a heavy heart and tear-streaked cheeks, I turned away from the forest, leaving behind the shattered remnants of my dreams. Yet in that moment of farewell, I vowed to keep their memory alive, to cherish the love that had once filled my world with light.

For in the depths of despair, there remained a glimmer of hope—a belief that love, though lost, could never truly be extinguished, that amidst the ashes of tragedy, new beginnings awaited, and that someday, somehow, I would find solace in the embrace of eternity's embrace.


The memory played out like a vivid scene from a cherished dream, each word and gesture etched into the fabric of my consciousness like an indelible mark. Under the sprawling branches of the ancient oak tree, bathed in the warm embrace of sunlight, Uriel's words had woven a tapestry of love and longing that now enveloped me in its tender embrace.

I could feel the gentle rustle of leaves overhead, the soft caress of the breeze carrying with it the sweet scent of wildflowers and the faint echo of laughter shared between kindred spirits. In that fleeting moment, time stood still, suspended in the amber glow of memory as Uriel's voice, soft and melodious, filled the air with promises of eternal devotion.

The tree stood as a silent witness to our love, its gnarled trunk bearing witness to the moments we had shared beneath its sheltering branches. Our initials, carved with care and reverence, adorned its weathered bark—a testament to a love that had blossomed amidst the tranquility of nature's embrace.

But beyond the tangible symbols of our affection lay the intangible bond that bound us together—a connection forged in the crucible of shared experiences and whispered confessions. Uriel's words, infused with sincerity and passion, resonated within me, stirring the depths of my soul with their quiet intensity.

As tears welled in my eyes, I traced the outline of our initials with trembling fingers, each stroke a silent prayer for the love that had illuminated my darkest days. Uriel's declaration of love echoed in my heart, a symphony of emotion that danced upon the breeze, carrying with it the essence of everything we had shared.

In that sacred space, beneath the canopy of branches that stretched toward the heavens, I felt the weight of Uriel's love envelop me like a warm embrace, wrapping me in a cocoon of solace and serenity. Though parted by circumstance, our souls remained intertwined, bound by an unbreakable thread that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

And as I stood beneath the tree that had borne witness to our love, I knew that no matter where life's journey led me, I would carry Uriel's memory with me—a beacon of hope in the darkness, a reminder of the love that had illuminated my world with its radiant glow.

*End of flashback*


Auther note:

Emily's past is some road with unexpected turns.I hope you are njoying the book so far. Please share vote and comment. I am kind of running out of ideas. so if you could send me your ideas i would appreciated. The book has a long road before ending. Also write to me if you want to meet some characters along the way.

There will be daily updates of the story so plase once again share, vote and comments. Sending love and stay safe from the co-vid virus. <3

xoxo G

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