Chapter 3: Last Time

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Hanji's POV

When I reopened my eyes, I still could see out of my only eye. The sun was already setting, and the castle felt cold. Sitting up in my bed, I could see Levi coming inside with a handful of papers in his hands. He gave a gentle smile, putting the papers off to the side.


I nodded my head. "What are those?"

"Just papers from the Cadet Corps. Basic stuff." Levi says as he collapses on my bed. He turns to be with this blank stare- almost on the verge of exhaustion. "Hanji... I know I promised you years about... a baby... but all of this..."

I leaned towards him, kissing him softly. "Everything just seemed too dangerous. I know... I know..."

"But... you are growing old... and I've been putting it off-"

My head shook a bit as I cut him off. "Levi... I understand. Everything seemed to get muddled too much. Whenever I did seem to get pregnant... it ends up as a miscarriage... and no matter how many times we try... something always happens. I just think I'm not good enough to be a mother."

Levi chuckled softly, shaking his head. "You are good enough of a mother. Even though you may not truly see it... you are a good mother. Which is why..." He pulls himself up onto his knees, reaching for my face. His cold hands reached towards my cheeks, caressing them softly. "Let's try this... one last time..."

*   *   *

Levi's POV

Scoffing softly towards Hanji, I looked towards everyone. "How far are we?"

Armin perks up, looking over. "Maybe a few more hours? Commander Hanji can rest until then. I don't think we'll arrive for a long time." Armin chuckles a bit as well, "How long has it been since the commander been like this...?"

From the times when I slept with her... she passed out quite quickly. "For a long time. I think the stress got to her. It does to everyone. With the titan experiments, she would stay up all night- Moblit would always try to put her down to sleep. But she sleeps peacefully."

I turned forward, seeing the rocky waves. If only Isabel and Farlan see this... they would be non-stop gleefully looking out. Maybe have the water splash on their faces. But knowing how far I've gotten- how far I suffered- I don't think Isabel would handle the pressure. She wanted to dance, play, and enjoy the sun. She wasn't much of a fighter. Farlan, on the other hand, he would be between us. I would be the fighter, Farlan the planner, and Isabel the joy. If only they could see us now...

"Captain Levi," I looked up to see Mikasa pointing to Hanji, "she's wincing in pain. Should we wake her?"

Looking towards Hanji, I see her wincing. It only seemed to be happening every once in awhile. Not like it was constant pain. Plus her wincing, she groaned every single time, curling up into a little ball like a cat. 

Pieck shook her head, giving a soft chuckle. "Mikasa, I think it's just girl stuff. You should know. Don't let the boys worry too much about it."

"I see then..."

If it truly was a girl thing... should I still be worried for her? I don't think I should continue pushing her away from me- I deeply do care about her... but with all of this... rumors... they would continue to wander around and affect us all. I don't need any more of these drama...

One thing worried me though... weeks ago... we slept with each other more than twice that week... all in hopes for her to have a baby... could it... could it be happening now...?

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