Chapter 16: Side Mission

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Levi's POV

The brats were all yawning and sighing heavily- though they should've been wide awake. They slept all the way to midday. 3 o'clock to be even more precise. I had to tell them about the whole plan that I was planning for Hanji. They were... honestly looking forward to finishing my project for Hanji.

The work took hours- and we weren't even halfway done when the sun rose above the ground. We had to retreat back home before the sun was high and beaming down on us. Especially since Hanji would've gotten suspicious about my whereabouts. Knowing her interesting mindset of hers... she would let her wrath seething if I didn't tell her. 

We reached back home to HQ, and of course, I was due an angry statement.

"Where were you?"

The brats were forced to sleep in until noon and wake up towards night time to help me with the protect. Right now would be their breakfast and off to sleep. I turned my head away to avoid her wrath- but even a few meters away, I could feel the flames burning.


I take a deep breath, smiling softly. "Having a little talk with all the brats."

"A talk?"

"You needn't worry about that." I waved it off, kissing her sweet lips of hers. "I didn't leave you, now did I?"


"How are the twins?" I asked her, trying to avert the question away. "Sleeping? Antsy? Are they missing their father or something?" 

Hanji sighed heavily, nodding her head. "Yeah... been crying all morning that you weren't there to greet them. I... I just need more sleep, Levi..." She said as she collapsed against the wall. I caught her, holding her tightly. "Levi... I-I don't know what to do anymore..."

After everything... I've realized it all. What I've been withholding from Hanji. Not because of the little thing I've been planning for our little family... but something to make her smile again. I would guess that she didn't just want kids... she wanted me.


I kissed her forehead, smiling softly towards her. "Don't worry, okay? I won't leave you. I'll stay here tonight- just me and you. Together. When you wake up tomorrow morning, I'll be there. Don't worry."

That warm smile on her face... "Thanks..."

"Anything for you..."

*   *   *

"Brats," I called out to the exhausted kids, "I need you to finish up on the mission out there." I say heavily with Jay in my arms. "Finish it up as much as you can, alright? Don't take too many breaks just for you to take naps. Got it?"

The brats nodded their head, and Armin gave a smile. "We won't let you 4 down!"

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