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Haruka came straight home that day and fell on the floor thinking it was her bed. She scratched her head wobbling back up to flop into her real bed. She was dead beat, her heart rate was minimal, she even wondered if it was a dream.

She quit as their manager and politely thanked them for the wonderful experience before rolling straight home. Her legs were so heavy she couldn't put both of them on her bed.

She took small breaths looking at her phone for a text. She stared at the screen all evening. She was so engrossed in it she even skipped dinner so she wouldn't fall asleep. She waited until morning to roll back to school like a lifeless trashcan. If there was something nice, it was that she was insignificant again, but bad news was the whispers that came about with it.

"She thought she could have Miya"

"He's waaaayy out of her league"

"Reality is harsh"

"I knew they wouldn't last"

"I honestly wondered what he saw in her anyway"

"She's just pretty. I'm sure he got bored"

"She really tried to tie him down, huh?"

"She cheated on him"

"She cheated on... Atsumu???"

"Serves her right"

"Oh, poor Atsumu. He really liked her so much"

Haruka sat in her seat and to her left was another person and not Atsumu but to her right were a pair of eyes trying to read her every expression, her every movement. "So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Osamu asked.

"I prefer if you'd mind your own business" she was dead inside by the time school ended for winter break.

She thought she was a fool for even trying to talk to him again. It was the most embarrassing thing that year. His eyes were glued on another girl as she leaned towards him, a little too close for comfort and played with his tie while he sat in the empty classroom. Haruka built up whatever bits of courage was left and approached him.

His eyes scanned her in disgust before pulling the girl into his arms and she felt her insides spill.

"Atsumu san..."

"What is it, baby?" He smirked at her and she flinched at how casual he was. She couldn't find her voice anymore.

"Atsumu, what does she want?"

"I don't know, princess" he told her and Haruka felt her heart break piece by piece. "Why don't I take you home today?" He massaged her shoulder with his frim hand and she moaned on purpose.

Haruka ran back outside in tears and his insides tugged for a moment seeing her cry, he then fixed his mind looked at the girl before his eyes who he knew was with her because of how popular he was. Especially after the championship. That was better than falling in love again. Where his heart existed once, there was now a void of nothingness.

It wasn't something Haruka wasn't used to. There was a time she felt like trash and now she felt the same but for different reasons. It was a different kind of pain this time, she felt her heart crinkle.

"I love you" she cried into her pillow "I love you so much it hurts... it hurts like shit"

She shut out everyone again. Even Osamu and Kiyoomi. Kiyoomi apologised for what he did and she said she'd call him back but instead cut off all contact. Every time she'd run into Atsumu during the holidays he'd have a new girl warming against him in his coat. The first time she saw him kiss a girl against a wall in an alley her stomach flipped a few hundred times.

Spike my Heart - Miya Atsumu X OCWhere stories live. Discover now