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"It's almost Christmas" Haruka smiled to herself watching the snow slowly cascade down the sky. It was vacations. And she was going to get tons of hot ramen for the chills she so badly wanted to prevent. The last thing she wanted was frostbites.

Atsumu was going to get strawberry Pocky, his new favourite but as soon as his chocolate irises landed on her through the foggy widow pane of the convenient store. He squinted his eyes to recheck if it really was the person who dug his chest cavity to naught. Without another thought he reluctantly stepped inside and watched her hoard ramen and literally everything strawberry in the aisle into her basket. He eyed the top shelf. There was one last box of Pocky. Strawberry. And he let her take it.

But she couldn't reach it. Yet again. He smiled at the adorable scene repeat before his eyes but his feet wouldn't budge. He'd been staying out of her sight as much as possible, he had grown into a fine man, by a quantum jump. He was just as cocky to everyone else but her mere presence made him go mellow.

Every single time they met he'd keep his distance, battling his insides to not make any of his gallant moves. He'd burn sweat just by holding his instincts down in her proximity.

His organs shuffled when someone got the Pocky for her.

"Remember me?" He smugly smiled. All of his unruly hair, that tall built, his twinkling coffee hued eyes were visibly flirting with her and Atsumu's eye twitched. If there was one thing he'd vex about the not-so-stranger before it would be his setting skills, but right now, it would be ogling the girl of his dreams.

"No" her hesitant voice made almost Atsumu throw a conniption fit at him... along with a watermelon. Her hands held back for a moment before slowly taking the Pocky from him. She looked like a kid trying to steal candy in plain sight after being confronted about it.

"Oikawa Tooru..." he said placing his arm against the rack, his sleeve brushing against her face. "But you can call me Tooru"

Fragments of her memory flashed before her eyes and she instantly remembered him from nationals. "Okay" she said.

"We were interrupted last time by your team" his Yandere like smile scared her relentless.

Atsumu wanted to intervene, he wanted to intervene and take her away from his view. He wanted to teleport her to his place and give her all the Pocky in the world so she didn't have to ever get out to deal with sleuths like him again.

But that was the angel on one of his shoulders. The devil on the other side wanted him to kiss her right before Oikawa's perverted eyes so he could burn himself in hell.

He waited for her to get out of his perimeter but he seemed to make it difficult for her. He cemented his feet to the ground, wanting her to deal with it herself. His suffering heart hoped for it. The first thing that ran across his mind when he took a step forward to put an end to it, was how terrified she would look the next time someone did the same and he wasn't around.

One thought eclipsed over the other, his cognitions driving him daft as he tried to decide what the best possible decision was. As much as he wanted to arbitrate and butt heads with Oikawa Tooru, he wanted to see his little angel pull the trigger in his face. He smiled to himself realising that she'd never do it, not because she didn't ordain enough courage but because she was kinder than that. The angel on her scapula was definitely much bigger than the devil on her other.

"I have to go now" she said moving from under his confines.

Atsumu's head tugged low eyeing his warm boots in despair, he finally made up his mind, that she didn't need a hero. As happy as he was that she took control of the scene, his heart wasn't as happy. He felt cold and not because of the icy winter. But because that felt like his last push out of her heart.

His body suddenly jolted at the contact of someone crashing against his chest. He almost apologised to the person whose way he thought he blocked but when looked down to see the shorter damsel actually distressed his fuse blew into the limbo.

"Haruka?" She needed him. For a moment he thought his mind was playing cruel tricks with him. "What's wrong, love?"

He saw Oikawa look at him with a disdained look on his face and Atsumu turned vehemently livid when he remembered a piece of what his peripheral vision had picked up. When he grasped the thought that Oikawa actually ran his vicious hands down her sides, he combusted.

"Haru, stay here" he was so thankful to his stars for letting him be there. He was grateful to have found her there. His mind suddenly flushed white, all he could primitively think was that he disturbed her and nothing else, he violently lurched his arm at Oikawa's polished face and that was the end of it.

"Next time I see you set a foot in her direction you'll be in a coma"

"Atsumu san... please don't!" He was pulled backwards and he let his body loose only because it was her. He followed what she said like it was his second nature. He'd let her do anything she wanted to do to him. She could toss him into a crispy lake and he'd gladly take the fall for her.

"Oh, Kami.... you're okay" his foggy, minty breath fanned her face. The intense, plagued look on his face appeared much better than his badgered insides.

"Arigato" she sniffled.

"It's okay..." he said "I'm here now"

"How did you find me?"

"I was here to get something too" he almost whispered, like the bass in his voice would damage her precious ears.

She quickly took out from her shopping bag the box of Pocky and handed it to him while perfectly reading the confused expression lightly diffused on his glorious features.

"What's this for?" His brows knitted, wondering if she read his mind.

"Samu san told me you... like Strawberry Pocky" she meekily said.

A flash of warmth invaded the cold feeling his heart and along with it crept a smile up his face. "Did you get this for me, princess?" He asked and she gave him a small, stiff nod.

Even though the two were drifting apart in distance, things never seemed to get worse, in fact, the opposite happened. She wasn't as cozy around him like she used to be but it would be untrue to say that her heart didn't flutter every time her ears rang with his baritone voice, let alone his sweet gestures.

"Atsumu san... will you go to the annual festival this time?" She hopefully asked.

"I don't know" he looked at the grey clouds and wondered if she'd want to see him there. Sans the fireworks that he saw every year, she was the only thing he'd want to see there from that year forth. "But if I do, will I see you there?" He let his heart be honest upfront and she nodded.

He sauntered back home with an airy feeling in his chest, an ecstatic smile carved on his face that refused to die down even hours later.

He was overwhelmed with the feeling of being her knight even when his mind was telling him to stand down. When she ran into his arms in the crowded mart leaving everything else, he was dead sure of one thing without having to wager his stakes.

She needed him too.

Spike my Heart - Miya Atsumu X OCWhere stories live. Discover now