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I'm gonna thank trashhytrashh  ♥️♥️ for helping me. I had a brain freeze, thanks for defrosting me. I know I ruined the idea you gave me so don't hate me 😂😂

Kiara thought she was dreaming when heard the door violently knock. She was fresh out of shower and heading towards the table for breakfast.

"What's going on so soon?" Suzuki grunted walking towards her and saw her bereaved face. His eyes fell on the letter in her hand and took it from her.

"Coercion, Blackmail, Fraud, Assault, Rape, Attempt to murder???" He thought this was a joke.

They quickly asked for identification and cuffed the two "You have the liberty to remain silent until adequate representation is sought, anything you say will be used against you in the court of law"

"Wait, my father just got me out of prison" Suzuki argued.

"This matter is posted for urgent hearing. We won't keep you in prison for long. You've violated a few too many codes from the police manual" they said taking them to the police station.

"I didn't do anything!! That adulterous bitch! She's supposed to be in jail! Not me!! She slept with my husband"

"The validity of your marriage is a subject of questioning too." They said "Please remain calm until it's time for court. Refrain from saying things that could be used against you"

"LET ME OUT!!" She held the prison bars and tried to break free "YOU HAVE THE WRONG PERSON BRING THAT BITCH HERE!!"


"Haru, I can't let you do this yourself!" He said as she picked all her files up, wondering if she forgot something.

"It's just another day at Court, I'll be fine" she said "Besides, you're gonna be there too"

"I don't want you to ever see him again. What if you panic?"

"I won't, I had my meds a while ago"

"Princess..." he stopped her "Come here" he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her face a few hundred times, making her giggle. "If everything goes well, I'll take you to the annual winter festival"

"You'll take me back to Hyogo?" She was excited already.

"Yes, babygirl. It's our tradition after all" he smiled "That festival really brought me all the luck in the world. Ever since our first kiss there I can't think of not going there with you"


"Careful!" He held her from falling and she laughed "You're pregnant, not crazy!" He looked at her in disbelief.

"Wait till my brother hears when he comes back from Europe" she laughed even louder. "His wife is going to lecture you"

"Are you sure you're okay?" He chuckled.

"Yeah. We're not married yet" She rolled her eyes "My mother will lose it. My brother will come for your blood"

"As long as you're going to be okay, princess" he gently picked her up. "Rest for a while now."

"You said you don't have practice"

"I'm not going anywhere" he laid her on the bed "But seriously, be careful"

Spike my Heart - Miya Atsumu X OCWhere stories live. Discover now