Birthday Party

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The twins had a huge party in their giant house. Osamu was a sucker for parties and Atsumu just floated through it.

And Haruka was NOT going.

"Girl, don't make me drag you there! It my cousins' birthday and I'm not going alone!!" Yumiko pulled Haruka who wouldn't budge because of how hard she gripped the fluffy arm of her couch.

"I hate crowds!!!!"

"Well, that's what happens when your childhood bestie is Sakusa Kiyoomi. Now beat!" She threw Haruka into her room "Get ready! Unless you want me to do it for you myself" she threatened before closing the door on her.

"But I don't have a nice dress" She was searching for reasons and Yumiko snitched on her to her mother.

Her mother barged into her room and opened her closet, running her hands through her clothes for a bit and ten seconds later she threw a pile of really nice dresses on her face. "There you go" she walked away.

Haruka looked at the dresses "Were these really in my closet?"

"Red or black?" Yumiko was choosing a dress for her. "This one! This red is GORGEOUS!"

"But pink" she pouted.

"You have everything in pink. You wear pink like you belong to a cult! If you step out of your room in pink I swear I will spray paint it red"

"I might turn gay for you" Yumiko threw a pair of red stilettos at her.

"Do I have to wear heels?"

"Look as much as I hate to admit it I love watching spongebob hot pants chicken out because of you. So yes, you have to wear heels"

"How long will you be out for?" Her mother asked but gasped when she saw her daughter "You're my daughter?"

"I didn't know you were so pretty" her mother hugged her.

"Mama, don't say that" the embarrassment made her want to wear a pair of her bunny pajamas instead. Party or not.

"We'll stay over if you don't mind. I'll always be with her and so will my brothers... so, can we go... Kaasan?" Yumiko knew that Haruka's mother had a very gullible soft spot. Yumiko was like her other daughter so she'd get away with almost anything when she called her that.

"Fine. But keep calling me, okay?"

When she looked at the lights flash through the opened door and her last bit of courage expired. "I can't do this" she went timid x100

"Pfft, babygirl, stay with me" Yumiko pulled her in.

"Don't you think they're underaged for liquor?" She asked through the deafening noise. She was surprised how well arranged it was, from the outside, anyone could barely tell that there was a mad party going on inside. The blinds were all shut so nobody could really deduce much.

"Oh, they're for the college guys"

"College guys?" She looked around to see a very inward person standing in the side with a friend and a glass of neat liquor.

"Niwatori Senpai???" Haruka was never so delighted to see him.

He turned to greet the person back but almost dropped his glass when he saw her. His friend turned around to hide his nosebleed.


"How have you been??"

"I-I... I've been great. You look so... different"

"I knew I shouldn't have worn this" she mumbled

"No... you look... wow" he rubbed his forehead "I barely recognised you without your glasses and I can't believe you're already in your third year"

"Ne... how's college? So you still play volleyball?"

"Of course I do. I'm only here because the twins wouldn't let me be. But it's nice to be back"

After meeting the former captain of Inarizaki VBC, Yumiko and Haruka looked for the birthday boys. Haruka saw Atsumu fully immersed in a crowd of girls and internally scoffed, she could see him because of how tall he was but she asked Yumiko where Osamu was, not wanting to deal with the hate from Atsumu's fangirls. To their luck Osamu had a few girls around him too but he was quick to spot the girl in red.

He walked out of the crowd leaving them behind "Woah, you look so amazing!" He hugged Haruka "Hey, stinkling" he poked Yumiko's shoulder and she attacked him "Happy Birthday, Samu" she kissed his cheek.

"Hey, it's after 12." He rubbed his face.

Atsumu was praying all day for Haruka to show up. He was certain that it was a remote possibility when his eyes caught a glimpse of her he thought he was hallucinating. He blinked a few times to see if it really was her in the other end of the room. His dark irises saw her skimpy red dress showing off her long legs. Her voluminous loose hair hypnotised him as it swayed at her hips every time she laughed. He had stopped paying attention to his fangirls and they were desperately trying to get it back. Her figure hugging dress was attracting more attention than usual and he was seering on high flame. One look at her heels and he knew she descended straight from hell to give him a birthday gift he'd remember for eternity. Death.

When he looked at her his mind made plans to crash his own party. He was almost certain on sending them all home and having her all to himself. He looked at her ass, wishing for his big hands to grip them while he ate her as he bent her over his table. His anger spiked when he saw Osamu holding her hand. Her soft, gorgeous hand that he craved to hold every minute.

"SENPAII!" His attention was diverted back to the less amusing people around him. Now that he saw her nothing else could take his attention. When Osamu's hand slid across her back to hold her waist, his insides erupted like lava, he walked out of the crowd ignoring the girls who were telling him something.

"Haruka... you made it" he made sure his voice didn't give away his anger but completely forgot about his face as he hugged her from behind making Osamu retract his hand as he received a death glare from Atsumu.

She was startled by his sudden contact, she didn't have enough time to figure who it was. She pulled his hands away quickly turned around to face the half-angry half-smiling blonde setter. "Oh, it's you" she heaved in relief.

"Of course it's me. Anybody else who did that wouldn't be alive for so long" he said and she laughed. He chuckled because she thought it was a joke.

"Atsumu Senpai!!" He heard one of his rebounds squeal. Haruka moves towards Osamu and looked at him with knifes ready to stab him "I did not invite her!"

It was the same junior who looked a little like Haruka. The worst part was that she was also wearing red. But that dress was barely there.

Atsumu knew he lost Haruka forever when he saw her volcanic eyes watch Rika pull him down by the collar to kiss his cheek.

"Happy Birthday, Daddy"

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