Chapter 16.

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You, along with your fellow dancers, took a second bow as the whole audience clapped and rose to their feet. As you straightened back up, your eyes immediately found Monty's. He whistled loudly before a huge grin spread on his face. All of the dancers took one more bow before disappearing backstage.

Beth quickly gathered all of her students. "You all did incredible! I am so proud of each and every one of you. For those of you who have signed up for summer classes, I will see you in a week, and I will see everyone else in the fall. Enjoy your summer!"
Some of the students started talking and hugging excitedly, as others went to find their family members. You knew exactly where your first stop would be.


You were stopped multiple times along the way by members of the audience congratulating you on your performance. Your cheeks stayed a light shade of red the entire time from their kind comments. As you thanked the grandparents of one of the girls you danced with from a younger group, the crowd parted slightly and you saw a familiar plaid shirt. You excused yourself and headed straight for your boyfriend. His face lit up when he saw you.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you around. "You were amazing, little bird."

"Thanks, Mon." You grinned up at him before he kissed you.

"Excuse me." You looked to your right to see a very happy Mrs. Reyes leaning on her cane next to you. "Nieta, that was beautiful." She pulled you from Monty's arms so she could hug you.

"Thank you, Abuelita." You squeezed her back. When you turned back to your boyfriend, he was standing there holding a bouquet of sunflowers. He gave you a proud smile as he handed it to you. "Oh, Mon." Tears pricked your eyes as you flung your arms around his neck. "They're perfect!"

"I love you, babygirl."

You leaned back so you could see his face. "I love you too." Your lips landed on his tenderly. When you finally broke the kiss, you could see your parents standing in your peripheral vision.

Your mom had a smile on her face, your dad was just looked at Montgomery until she nudged him with her elbow. "Honey, you were fantastic up there."

"Thanks, Mom." You hugged her before facing your dad.

He pulled you into a bear hug. "You were perfect, princess."

"I have to agree." A voice said, causing your hug to end. An older man holding a leather portfolio was standing next to your dad, along with your dance instructor.

"Maggie, I would like you to meet my friend, Mr. Barth."

OMG, Andrew Barth!! The chairman of American Ballet Theatre!

"Andrew, I would like you to meet Maggie Sullivan."

He smiled warmly as you shook his hand. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Maggie. Beth told me you were amazing and she was right. You were perfect up there."

You swallowed as your cheeks turned pink. "Thank you."

"I was in the area for meetings and Beth told me I needed to come to the recital. I'm glad I did. I heard you have attended the School of American Ballet's summer program since you were twelve and have attended their winter program a few times, as well."

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