Chapter 4.

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The smell of pepperoni pizza filled the kitchen as you sat down at the table.

"How was your first day, princess?"

You couldn't help but smile when you hear your dad say your nickname. According to your mom, he had given it to you the day you were born. Most men want a son but your dad had always wanted a daughter. After many doctor appointments and fertility treatments, your mom had finally gotten pregnant and nine months later, your dad got his wish.

"It was pretty good actually. I made a couple of friends already and it should be easy to catch up in the classes because it's the same curriculum as in the city."

"Tell us about your friends." Your mom smiled when she said it but you knew your parents were worried, especially after what happened with your previous "friends".

You swallowed your bite of pepperoni pizza. "Jessica Davis has a locker right beside mine and she moved here at the beginning of the school year. She's really nice and we have four out of six classes together. She's a cheerleader and umm...her boyfriend is on the football team. He seems nice too."

Your parents exchanged glances. You knew what was running through their minds.

"Yes, it's the same kind of crowd I used to hang out with but they're not all the same. Besides, I can't live my life scared all the time. If things start to get to be too much, I'm outta there."

"So, then you will just wander the halls alone again..." your mom trailed off sadly.

"They aren't the only friends I made. I met a great guy named Tony."

"A boy?" Your dad asked nervously.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about Tony. He has a boyfriend."

He smiled sheepishly.

"Umm..." you began hesitantly. To tell them about the other boy or not?? Of course you would. You shared just about everything with your parents and this is the first time you had felt like this since it happened. "I also met a couple of Justin's friends..."

Your parents both put down their forks and studied you.

" of them is...umm..." You could feel your cheeks turning pink.

Your mom reached for your hand. "One of them caught your eye." She stated and smiled softly.

Betrayed by your stupid pale skin again.

"Is he on the football team?"

"Yes, dad."

He stiffened. The room went silent until your mom finally spoke.

"Not all boys are the same, Rich." She said definitively.

You smiled at her then looked to your father. "Dad?"

More silence.


He let out a sigh, knowing his wife was right, even though he hated all teenage boys these days. "Yes...yes, I know."

"It's not like we are dating or anything. He hasn't even asked me out. We've only talked once." You quickly added to ease your dads worry.

He relaxed his shoulders and grinned over at you. "Of course he is going to ask you out. He would be crazy not to. You're the most beautiful girl in the world. Well, you and your mother are." He reached over and squeezed your mom's hand.

"While you two ogle over each other, I'm going to get some ice cream."

"Mmm, ice cream sounds great." Your mom said after she kissed your dad on the cheek. "Why don't you go pick a movie and your beautiful daughter and I will get dessert?"

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