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Dedicated to oohablondie. Thanks for your feedback baby! Also, I found the perfect photo of Prince with a crown on Tumblr! Now he's definitely King of the Losers, hehe - Mo

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Today, our plan will finally be put in action. After a full week of planning-and becoming closer Zora-I'm sure every nick and nail in my plan is covered by an alternative plan to rely on.

"Are you ready? I am." Zora asks, beaming in her dark blue suit. I want to nod but honestly I don't known what to say. I am ready, but another part of me is telling my that I'm not.

"I-" I start, but it's obliviously too slow for Zora, who then simply answers for me.

"Yes." She grabs my hand and we trek across the cafeteria to the table when my former friends sit, chatting away in a whisper; much to my dismay.

They never speak like this.. until I come around. It makes me angry but curious as to what they're speaking about.

Oh wait. Me.

"Or alternative Star Wars endings." Zora whispers next to
me, her barely audible voice still wavering in my head to comprehend. Did I say that out loud?

She releases her small grip from my loose one and takes a step toward the table.

She bends down, her palms pressed to the table firmly.

"Hello boys." She says, using a typical pick up line that hot girls (or should I say, babes) in movies use to lure in men. Their heads snap up to me her gaze, in which she returns with a smirk.

"Our friend Jacob here," she lifts an arm across to point to me, "has been the victim of your shuns and the talk of your whispers, am I right?"

Silent, are Craig, Chresanto, Devan and a few others. Zora impatiently raises an eyebrow.

"Hello? Am I right?" She repeats, this time a bit louder and slightly more expectant.

Everyone watches as Craig nods, a sly smirk turning on his lips as a reply. "Yes, you are indeed correct," Chresantl smiles.

"First," I but in, "I want to apologize f-for trying to prove Blue right, even though I lied.. for my life's sake." I add.

Craig glares, Chresanto stares.

I feel the stutters coming on and, silently, tell hint for Zora to explain the rest for me.

"So basically you're going over the top to be mean to him when in reality, he saved you a beat down." She crosses her arms and stares the little group.

"How?" Devon says after a moment off thick silence between us.

I'm sure I'm the only one who sees the shifting of red in Zora's face when that question is brought up.

"Well, he was," she gulps. I can see bee struggle to conjure up an idea in her mind.

"-Going to beat you up!" I retort, my mouth speaking before I knew it. I know I'm only pulling myself in a deeper dark hole but maybe it true.

Even if I'm the only Loser he beats up.

"He was?" Chresanto's muscles flex under his tight white shirt then he adjusts his glasses, making them tense up even more.

"Yea." I feel the lie slip through and the guilt eating me as my breath hitches in my throat.

I just lied to save my ass.. again.

. . .

HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BEAUTIFUL AND MAJESTICAL PURPLE UNICORNS! This story will continue to be updated into the new year and I'm so excited! Btw, I'm updating next year. :)

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