08 | retreat

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     THE NARNIAN ARMY charged towards the castle, entering underneath the half open gate and into the courtyard, screaming at the top of their lungs as the advanced into battle

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     THE NARNIAN ARMY charged towards the castle, entering underneath the half open gate and into the courtyard, screaming at the top of their lungs as the advanced into battle.

     Peter unsheathes his sword, turning to the three beside him who acknowledged his nod. Caspian and Jamie unsheathe their swords as well, and Susan prepared to nock her arrow. The four turned around to join their army as they took their stand.

     "For Narnia!" Peter shouts out, holding his sword out as they charged into the battle. Jamie felt a little pang of guilt for having to disregard the lion who had started this all, the one who truly gave the Narnians back their freedom.

     But instead of shouting out the battle cry just as Peter had, she whispers, "And for Aslan." before joining in the battle. Jamie let's out a low growl before her own sword clashes against a soldier's. Using her elbow to jab it in the soldier's eyes, she successfully blinds him for a moment and sliced through his abdomen, blood spurting out in the process.

     Everyone was focused with their own enemies as metal clashed against metal, the sound ringing against the Narnian and Telmarine infested courtyard. Jamie hacks away at the soldiers, altering between her throwing knives, dagger, and sword, slashing away as her blades pierce through soldiers' skin. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she felt a new sense of euphoria. She hadn't been in battle for three years, and she had missed every single bit.

     Just when a soldier was about to strike her, she ducks and slashes her dagger against the back of his knees and stands up behind him, stabbing him deep in the back. Peter, who was about to warn her regarding the soldier, stopped and stared for a moment as he saw how sensitive Jamie was of her surroundings. Jamie meets his gaze, and for a second Peter seemed like he was in a trance. The warrior queen rolls her eyes at him, used to that look.

     Jamie was about to turn around when she caught glimpse of a soldier coming behind Peter in her peripheral vision. In a swift motion, she swings a small blade to that direction, not even giving Peter time to duck while the blade whizzes past him and lunges itself into the soldier's neck who was about to swing his sword at the high king. Peter was about to give Jamie a look of gratitude when she had disappeared, and was already hacking away at the other soldiers.

treacherous | edmund pevensie ✓Where stories live. Discover now