stranger at the library

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Its Saturday. Im at the library enjoying the quite and all the books around me. Some people might think libraries are boring and too quite, but I think their an escape from the real world, its where I go to get away from school and my family. Dont get me wrong, I do have friends, but sometimes I just want to get away from it all and enjoy a good story.

Im just sitting at the table by myself reading divergent. The character tris really inspires me. She's different but in a good way. She chose her own path. She got away from her old life and is starting a new one. I wish I could do that. Just get away from it all and be free...

Im at the part where tris is climbing the ferris wheel with four when out the corner of my eye I see a boy about 20 feet away looking at me. I turn towards him and he just slightly smiles and looks away. I cant help but look a little longer...hes just so attractive. He has brown hair and electric green eyes. I could just melt in them. His But his clothes are a little weird. Something tells me he likes green.

He turns and looks at me again and our eyes meet. He raises an eyebrow and smirks, I smile slightly and then went back to my book. I can still feel his eyes on me and I start to become nervous, I just feel a bad vibe coming from him.

To get away from his gaze I get up and walk to a random section. Pretending to try and find a book so it wont look like im hiding, I realize im in the fantasy section. Theirs a lot of cool books to check out, I reach for one but then theirs a tap on my shoulder. I tense up and turn around. Its the same boy, I look into his eyes and I melt inside. He smiles and raises an eyebrow, im at loss for words.

"Hello, Love"

"Um, H-hi" I say in a nervous tone.

"So, find any good books?" he asks

"No...not really. Do you know any good ones?" I ask. He doesnt seem to creepy but theirs still something about him that doesnt seem right.

"Yeah, how about this one?" he says pulling out a book and handing it to me. I take it and see that its peter pan.

"I love the movie but i've never read the book. Thanks." I say, now that I think about it he kinda looks like peter pan. Maybe hes some crazed fan or something.

"Yeah, its my favorite. Peter and I have a lot in common actually." He says.

"Well I should be going, Thanks for the book." I say turning to leave.

"You're welcome love, I trust I'll be seeing you again soon." He calls out to me

I might see him again, but I dought it. I check out my books and leave the library. Afrer walking for a minute I feel someone grab my arm. I turn to see its the Peter Pan boy.

"Hey I didn't catch your name." hes says

"Oh, sorry, my names (y/n) whats yours?" I ask

"I'm Peter Pan, and you, my dear, are coming with me." He says with a devilish grin on his face.

Hes Peter Pan...what? I dont believe this. This is crazy. Wait Im not going anywhere with him! Who does he think he is?

"Uh, excuse me, but im not going anywhere except home. now im not sure why you think your peter pan, but you better leave me alone or you'll regret it." I say in a irritated tone.

Suddenly he slams me into the side of a store and leans in next to my ear.

"You've got fire, I like fire." he whispers

He backs away and says, "now, your coming with me." he says and grabs my arm pulling me to him.

"where?" I ask

"Neverland of course." He says with a smirk

"Why, this doesn't make any sense."

"because I like you, and I want to have some fun." He says with a devilish grin.

This is getting really creepy. I try to get out of his hold but he tightens his grip and leans down to my ear.

"your not going anywhere love, your mine and im not letting you leave." He says

Im about to scream when he puts his hand on my mouth.

"goodnight, love" Is the last thing I hear before everything becomes black.

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