t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"don't wanna be lonely, just wamna be yours"
-Save Me-

Bold= lucas
Italic= athanasia

"good evening, this is Obelia's Cafe. How may I help you?"


"hello DisneyBoy"



"it's been a while since I asked you about that boy"




"I wonder why you did this to me. Are you really a cupid?"

"I just help do what the chubby, half naked baby, with a dangerous weapon forgets to do?"

"what is it?"

"shoot both of you"


"you'll regret this soon, trust me"

"why should I? It's not like I'm going to lose anyway"


"by the way, starting tomorrow, you don't have to call me anymore"

"why? Are you quit from your job?"

"no, I told you I'm going to Huale, for a week!"

"great, I'm going to Huale too"

"ha ha ha so funny"

"no, I'm serious"

"I thought you were lucas?"


"so you're going to Huale with your family huh?"

"yeah, we're going to Water Park"

"what the...you're not a kid anymore"

"it's a long story, you won't understand"(lol)

"so that's mean I'll be alone?"

"I think so"



"are you really don't want to give me your number?"

"wh--why you so desperate?"


"auww our cutie boy afraid if he miss me"

"yeah, of course"


"I was joking"

"well, I'm not"


"h-how, how can you say such a thing!"

"what? I'm telling the truth"


"don't tell me, I'm the only friend do you have"

"of course not"



"well, time's up. Talk to you later, I'll call you again after a week, don't miss me too much. Have a nice day"

"wait, lucas, you di--"



"what the..."

"wtf is wrong with this fccking mouth"

Aaaaaa im sorry for late update. Last night, when i was about to update this, my fccking wattpad and my fccking messed with me again:(  sorry.

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