Life Before Tragedy

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A night where stars shining bright in the dark sky, moon glowing eerie yet beautiful.

Everyone fell asleep, waiting for the next day like usual for school, work and a normal day for them to do their usual routine.

However, there is a mansion that stood out amongst the houses. Inside the mansion in one of the rooms, a sound of bed can be heard, echoing through the hallway, and two figures are in bed with pillows and blanket on the floor.

A woman hums sleepily, half lidded eyes staring at the ceiling with a man laying on top of her and between her legs.

She kissed his neck lightly and stifled her moan when she could feel him twitched inside of her.

"Tai..." he groaned, lick and suck her neck. A woman arched her back, breasts pressing against his hard chest and gently run her hand on his blond hair.

"M-Matt..." she whispered softly.

He let out a pleased growl, lifted himself up and press his lips against her.

A woman with long messy dark brown hair moan softly, their tongues are touching and circling around as if they're dancing before pulled away.

She rest her chin on his shoulder, showing her eyes full of pleasure, love and guilt.

A man before her is her best friend, former crush and now husband. If only she knew those signs, maybe things would be different. She would still be with Izzy, get married and have kids together but that's impossible.

While everyone including their digimon partners are happy for them but she knew that it's not her happy ending.


In usual day, Tai is doing his homework after return home from dance practice. She usually text her friends on the group to have a chat or call her boyfriend but all of them are busy doing their work.

She decided to finished her schoolwork, not wanting to get any trouble in school. She's alone in the apartment with her parents travelling to visit their grandmother and sleep for two days and her sister is having a sleepover with Yolei.

Sighing in relief, she stretched her arms and about to stand up when she heard the front door knocking.

She blinked, wondering who knocked the door. She stand up, walked out from her room and toward the door.

She simply opened the door and surprised to see her blond best friend.


As far as she remember, he's supposed to be going out on a date with his girlfriend. She used to have a crush on him and saddened that he's dating Sora but got over it as she wanting to make her friends happy.

"Can I come in?" He looked at her with unusual soft blue eyes and a glint that she couldn't placed her finger on it.

"Sure," she brushed it off, stepped aside to let him come inside the apartment and closed the door to locked it. "What are you doing here though?" She asked, unaware of his eyes roaming her body. "You're supposed to go out with Sora."

"Things changed," he said, watching as she turned around with her hair flowing gracefully around her waist.

"What do you mean?"

"Sora and I broke up."

"What?" She widened her eyes. "Why?"

"We just realized that there's nothing between us," he explains, keep on watching as she walked to sit on the couch before follow along. "And decided to become as friends."

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly, oblivious at how he found himself memerized at her big brown eyes.

"I am fine," he let out a smirk to reassured her. "We're both fine."

"Oh good," she sighed with relief.

Soon enough, they're chatting and laughing while playing games. She giggles making him smile. He boldly wrapped his arms around her, startling her as he smirked.

"Hey! You're cheating!"

"Am not," he denied.

Tai is laughing and slapped his hand playfully, not noticing his lips pressing lightly on the nape of her neck and his eyes are dark with glint.


Tai is spending time with Izzy in computer room where they're having lunch time.

While they spend time together but both of them didn't have their time alone since they're busy with their studies. They are trying to make it up for it with Agumon and Tentomon playing together.

She blushed at his sudden kiss from her boyfriend on her cheek and smiled at how Izzy turned shy afterward.

She giggled on how cute he is and lay her head on his shoulder, melt on how his arm wrap around her waist and pulled her closer.

Izzy smiled down at her and his other hand typing his laptop but both are in peace as they enjoying the atmosphere even though it's short.

They're unaware that a pair of blue eyes watching them with jealousy.

Matt clenched his fists, glaring at the back of the red headed head. The longing and jealousy grow inside of him after he witnessed a kiss from him to her.

Giving one last glare at Izzy and soft glance at Tai, he walked away to the music room where the band waiting for him.


"Hey guys!" Mimi waved her arm, running toward the group and Palmon in her other arm. "Sorry for making you guys waiting!"

"It's fine Mimi," Sora smiled. "We're just glad that you made it in time."

"It's been awhile since we're all together," Jou also smiled. TK and Kari nodded in agreedment.

"It's also going to be our last year in high school," Izzy said, lone arm around his girlfriend's waist and Tai is smiling shyly. "So we should make our time the most memorable moment!"

Tai laughed at how excited the digimons are including Agumon in her arms, drooling at all different kind of foods.

Matt is staring intently at her, glanced to see Mimi also stared longingly at Izzy and smirked evilly at the sudden idea in his head.


"Wah~!" Tai have a bright stars in her eyes, eyeing the foods by the stalls. "So many food!"

"Food!" Agumon is drooling, brighten to see a cotton candy stall. The group are smiling with amusement.

Matt quickly walked up to her with Gabumon by his side and lay his hand on her back before Izzy could. "Come on," he urged. "I will pay for it."

"Can I have some too?"

"Sure Gabumon," he smiled down at his digimon partner and patted his head.

"Arigatou!" She beamed at him before run to one of the food stalls with him walking calmly. The group simply brush it off as them being friends together and Izzy blinked.

"What's wrong Izzy?" Tentomon asked.

"Hmm? Oh nothing,"

He could have swore that Matt give him a look before turned away.

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