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He can surely say that he's in heaven.

He stared lovingly at his girlfriend, sleeping in his arms by his bed and sun shine brightly through the open window.

A gentle wind blow as the curtain fluttering slowly and music soothes in his room from the speaker by his table.

It's been nearly three days after her confession and the passion they've make out, Matt is satisfied of how the result was giving. Tai is now his and he can only imagining the future that hold upon them.

The graduation is coming up soon and they planned to tell their friends - Izzy included - that both of them are going out.

She stirred, humming slightly before cuddle closer to his chest which he pecked her forehead and nose.

Their digimon partners are happy to see them together and supported them while promised not to tell which he's thankful for it.

Feeling his stomach grumbling, he reclutantly pull away and sit up as he picked up his shirt where he throw carelessly on the light stand beside the bed.

Putting on his green shirt, he walked out the door and headed toward the kitchen where he'll prepare some breakfast for them.

Tai stirs when the scent of delicious aroma tickling her small nose, blinking slowly with her long black eyelashes brushing her cheeks gently and chocolate brown eyes.

She stifled her yawn with her hand on her mouth, she sit up and shivering when a wind blew in the room and to her exposing small upper body.

She hurriedly located her bra and shirt as she covering herself, relieved to feel the warmth engulfed her toned curveous body. She noted that her boyfriend is not on the bed and guessing that he's in the kitchen.

Putting on her jogging pants, she walked out from the room and smiled to see him setting up the food on the table.

Sneakily, she walked up to him and wrapped her slender arms around his waist. "Morning," she greets softly.

Matt smiled, turn around and his arms around her waist. "Morning sweetheart," he chuckles to see her blush and press his lips on her luscious lips which she shyly kissed back.

He never grow tired of how soft her lips was and how fit she is in his arms. He could feel her hands on his neck and her reclutant washed away the moment she gain courage to nibbled his mouth.

'Oh?' He smirked, allowed her to run her tongue and rubbed it slowly which she shivered.

Prevent her from falling with her legs weakened, his strong arms hold her firmly and soon enough, they pulled away for the sake of breathing and panted slightly with their foreheads against each others.

"We should eat before they turn cold," she muttered, eyeing the food and couldn't looked at him after her stunt.

Matt chuckles and kissed her forehead.

Kissing her long and hard, he pulled away for them to breathes before pecked her cheek.

"I gotta go now," he said, carrying a guitar case hanging on his shoulder as he stared lovingly at her. Tai blushed shyly, smiles and nodded.

"Okay," she pecked his lips.

"I will be back around four hours after practice," he said. "Okay," she nodded, startled a little when he kissed her again but kissed back with her hand stroke lightly on his cheek.

Kissing her few times, he reclutantly walked away after some comfort words from her and headed toward the place where he practice with his band members.

By now, Tai is finished her homework for some time now and now watching tv silently with Koromom on her lap, snoring lightly. Tsunomon is also asleep, lean against her leg closely and snuggled with cute smiles on their faces.

She giggled quietly and run her hand on their heads carefully. They remind her of Tentomon whenever he needs to cuddle or showing her any items that fascinating her.


She let out a small frown, find herself missed him after the commotion going on. He always happy to see her whenever she visit Izzy and somtimes played with him during free times.

Let out a breath, she decided to visit him later even though her ex boyfriend is there.

"See you guys later!"

"See ya Matt!"

Placing his guitar inside the case, he waved his hand to the members one last time before on his way back to the apartment.

While he's walking through the familiar street, he begin to wondered when to start. He have no doubt that Izzy will find proof against him eventually and he mostly already taken care of Mimi since she swore not to tell but he will keep an eye on her.

He often wonder if everything went different from beginning. If he acted sooner, Tai would be happily accepted his confession, Izzy and Mimi ended up together and everyone else would be happy to see them together.

A sudden flash of Tai and Izzy, sitting together under the tree, smiling with shy glances. A spark of jealously grow inside of him when he remember that Izzy was the one who make his move by kissing her.

Clenched his fists, he forced himself to relax by breathing through his nose. Tai is his girlfriend now and there's no way he's going to let anyone take her away from him.

Upon seeing the sight of the apartment, he walked up the stairs and arrived at the front door.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back," she peeked out from the kitchen and smiled so brightly which calm him down.

Leaning the case on the wall, he walked up to her and cupped her cheek before kissed her. It did not disappointed him when she kissed back, rubbing both of his cheeks with her fingers and tiptoed so he won't strained his neck.

Breaking up their kiss, he hugged her closer to his chest and buried his face on her hair. So soft and so sweet.

Smell some delicious aroma, he hummed in approval and unwrap his arms around her. "It smells good," he praised. "What did you cook?"

"Curry chicken," she replied, looked at him shyly. "I hope you won't mind me cooking."

"It's fine," he kissed her cheek and scoop her in his arms as they headed toward the living room. She let out a small squeal, slender arms around his neck and feel herself blushing after been carrying in bridal style.

She knew that she's not being herself but she can't help it! Matt is unusually showing affectionate to her and she found herself taken liking it.

"I-I can walk by myself," she scolded herself for stuttering. He just chuckles and pecked her lips. "I know," he smiled at her. "I just feel like I wanted to carry you that's all."

'Cute,' he thoughts fondly, sit on the chair with her on his lap and soon realized what she's wearing.

An apron.

"I hope you won't mind with me wearing your apron," noticing his gaze, she explain with blushes. "I just don't want get dirty on my clothes."

"You can always wear my clothes sweetheart," he whispered huskily to her ear. "But the apron looked much appealing when you're wearing it."

She slapped his shoulder lightly after notice his eyes glazed with lust, glaring at him. "Pervert," she accused him.

He just smiled innocently.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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