Gloomy Day

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Tai decided to stay over at Matt's place since she knew that Izzy would come over to her home.

Matt doesn't seem to be mind since both of them are used to sleepover at each others. No doubt that he's going to meet with Izzy after she told him everything.

Her mother is kind enough to pack her clothes and send them to the front door where Koromon offered to pick it up.

She giggled when she remember how cute her partner is, trying to be helpful and cheer her up with Tsunomon.

Kari sent her a few messages to cheer her up and she knew that her mother is the one who explained it.

She feel grateful for that.

She snapped out from her thought when she heard the door open. "I'm home," Matt closed the door behind him and take off his shoes.

"Welcome back," she called out, walked up to him with small smile.


His heart soaked when she walked up to him with a smile.

After his encountered with Izzy, he left to the music room for practice and he knew the read headed won't try to pick a fight to him.

After practicing, he rushed home and he isn't disappointed that he get a chance to see her.

"Did you tell him...?" Tai asked unsure.

"I did," he nodded. "He didn't take it well." She sighed and nodded.

He could tell that she's upset and wrapped his arms around her for a hug. "You make a right thing Tai," he muttered. "It's gonna be okay."

"I hope so," she muttered through his shirt and hands on his back.


"Please tell me that you're joking," Izzy grabbed her shoulders. Tai only looked down and backed away from him.

"...I'm sorry Izzy," she said. "I want to break up with you a-"

"Wait! There's something I nees to tell you about Matt," He grabbed her arms. "He planned all of this so he can have you!"

"W-what?" Tai looked confused and surprised before switch it with anger. "Stop lying! Matt would never do that!"


"Let go!" She struggle to free her arms and give him a teary glare. "How could you say that? He's our friend!"

"Tai please liste-!"

"I am sorry Izzy," she said somewhat coldly. "Goodbye."

As she walked away from the heartbroken Izzy, Matt is watching from afar with satisfied smirk.


Tai lean against the wall inside the school, slide down and wrapped her arms around her legs then buried her face on them.

She sobbed, muffled her cries and her heart squeeze so painfully after her broke up with her now ex-boyfriend.

Hearing footsteps headed toward her, she looked up with teary eyes to see Matt staring down at her.

"Matt..." she sniffed.

He just kneel down silently, arms around then hugged her.

Tai started crying again and buried her face on his chest, hands clenched on his shirt and scoot closer.

"It's okay," he comforted her. He leaned back and kissed her forehead, smiling darkly without her knowing.

'See? I told you that she's mine.'


Izzy watched from afar, clenched fists and jealousy exploding inside of him as Matt hugging his ex-girlfriend.

Blue eyes directly to him and lifted his head up to rest his chin on top of her head then flashing with a dark smile.

His eyes are darkened with love and possessive unlike the clear one.

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