Confession (Lemon)

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Warning! Warning!

It's only been a day after her broke up with Izzy, she's been avoiding him and hanging around with Matt for support.

Her best friend is kind enough to act as her temporarily bodyguard, keeping her close to him and Sora is voluntered to help since Matt can't be with her during classes.

Izzy on the other hand, is trying to tell her that Matt is wanting to have her but she refused to listen.

She doesn't really want to trust him especially when he falsely accused their blond friend about this so called plan.

She bit her lower lip, feeling the pressure on her shoulders.

While she's grateful for it, she feel guilty for making her friends go through all of this mess.

The woman panted softly, gently thrust her body back and forth with her hands gripped the sheets and pillow.

The man rocked his lower body with quick movement and clutching her left leg on his shoulder. His eyes - dark, love and lust - roamed all over her tan and slender body, he licked his lips and unable to control himself, he lean his body down and tilt her head to faced at him.


Her face is flushed with her half lidded teary eyes, parted lips with saliva drooled to her chin and hair bangs cling to her face due to the sweats.

Her hair is all over the bed and pillow, bruised hickeys on her neck and bite marks on her shoulder.

Prove that she's belong to him.

He smirked, memerized at her sexy yet innocent face and bring her into a passionate yet possessive kiss.

She moaned, arched her back at his sudden fast thrusts and since she's so flexible enough for her lone leg still on his shoulder, she can feel more pleasure than ever after their several rounds.

He growled deeply after coming inside of her, pull away to pecked her cheek with her panting in exhaustion.

He mumbled her name with soft spoken, pull her leg down and carefully lay on their sides to avoid crushing her. He bring her closer in his arms and smile down at her softly.

She looked up shyly and buried her face on his bare toned chest. Chuckling, he run his hand on her hair then on her belly.

"Go to sleep sweetheart," he mumbled to her ear, kissed her head. "But what about the kids?" She questioned quietly, feels herself sleepy.

"I will take the kids," he reassuring her. "You get some rest and I will do the rest." Tai feel guilty for letting him do the work when it's supposed to be hers.

Matt however won't allowed her to feel such guilt, reassuring her and pecked her lips.

She's working as a kindergarden teacher and he's the band leader of Teenage Wolves.

Both of them have two kids together, own a mansion due to his successful debut with his band and their songs are very popular.

She blushed at this and he chuckles.

"I love you," he confessed.

"I love you too," she said back with shy smile and lowered her eyelids.

She couldn't hate her husband when his eyes shined with love and she can't describe on how gorgeous he is. She regain her feelings that buried deep inside of her and Matt is the one who bring sparks whenever they touch or kiss.

Despite the fact that she missed Izzy, she loved Matt more than ever.

She's hanging out with her dance team after taking a break from practice. They heard what happen and feel sorry for her.

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