Life Through Tragedy

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Tai is munching a cotton candy with Agumon by her side, sitting on the bench with Gabumon.

Matt watched as a beautiful girl by his side, laughing and chatting with their digimons. It warmth his heart to see her cleaning their faces like a mother taking care of a child.

He longed for her.

He broke up with Sora when they decided to make friends or at least that's what Tai thought.

He's in love with Tai for long time and imagine how heartbroken he is when he saw her dating with Izzy. Jealousy grow inside of him when he saw him stole a first kiss from her and how happy she is around the red headed.

When he realized how much he loved her, he realized how much he want her by his side.

He wanted to kiss her. Make her smile, happy, laughing and heck, he wanted to make love with her!

He knew that Sora take interest on him and he just used her to make Tai jealous but now it didn't work out.

Sure that Tai is sad and jealous but he did not expected for her to move on and developed feelings to someone else!

Other than Izzy.

He regretted it.

He started to push Sora away, going on less dates and makes excuses. Both of them decided to broke up and did not meant to be together.

Sora doesn't need to know that.

When he's connected to her with their digimons fused together, it's feels like they're meant to be one. She's his light from the darkness, a sun that shine upon him and warm to take.

Yet Izzy stole everything from him.

While Sora is pretty and fun to be around but Tai has been there for him the most. Tai is beautiful, kind and feisty since they always arguing yet that's what he like from her.

Yet Izzy stole her from him.

Possessive and longing starting to show, his blue eyes are darkened and faint scowl plastered on his handsome pale face.

So he make plan.

He knew that Mimi has a crush on Izzy for so long and he decided to take advantage of it.

He will have Tai.

Because she's his.



"Do you want to be with Izzy?"

"Matt? Wha-"

"Do you want to be with Izzy?"


"Good now here's what you gonna do."


Tai sobbed, running through the street.

"Tai..." Koromon popped out from her bag and stared worriedly at her.

"He's cheating on me..." she whimpers. "I thought that Izzy...!" She sobbed and just standing there, unaware of someone walked up to her.


Matt could feel his heart squeeze to see her beautiful face stained with tears and sorrow yet betrayed eyes. Tsunomon bounced from his arms and looked up to her with worry face.

"M-Matt..." she sniffs.

"Tai, what's wrong?" He asked, walked up to her and startled when she collapsed on his chest.

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