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It was a peaceful afternoon in the Lowell household

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It was a peaceful afternoon in the Lowell household. Well, it was.

     Morgan got off the couch and was going to go the kitchen for a bag of chips only to let out a sudden shriek. 

     "It's a cockroach infestation!" He squealed.

     Lucina looked under the couch, quickly grabbed a roll of newspaper and began wacking the hell out of the bugs with it. "Morgan they're just roaches- LADY NAGA!" She cried when one jumped on her hand.

     Robin and Chrom heard her scream and ran in the living room. "Okay, where are the burglars- ew gross!" Upon seeing the cockroaches, Robin began spraying bug spray on them. 

     "Honey, that's not gonna work-" Chrom pointed out. 

     "Oh shut up and do something about them!" She interrupted.

     Truth was, Chrom was as scared as the rest of the family, but he chose not to show it. This time, (Y/N) showed up from Naga knows where. 


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