Chapter 8 The Sharingan Warrior!

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NeXxxT ParT.

The Kunai grazes Zabuza face. Blood leaked form the cut as the assassin focues his rage om the naruto.

Zabuza:I will destroy You!

The demon wind shurikan In his hand began spinning  in his hand, and has he was about to throw it kakashi stopped the blade with his hand. Naruto fell in to the water, zabuza looked at kakashi seeing the blood red eye focused fully on him.

Naruto emerged for the water

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Naruto emerged for the water.

Kakashi:naruto that was an excellent plan, you've really grown, haven't you?

Naruto:o knew I couldn't beat him with my shadow clones that was just to distract him, while he fough the clones that when I had time to turn into the demon wind shuriken. He didn't know what to do believe it.

Sasuke:don't brag you just lucked out.

Tazuna:the whole thing was just a Fluke!

Sakura:'you could call it a Fluke but thee teamwork is flawless, they took down the water clone and freed kakashi-sensai.'

Zabuza:I got distracted and lost my grip on the water prison.

Kakashi:Don't flatter yourself. Your weren't distracted,you were forced to let go. Your technique worked on me once, but it won't work on me again.
So what's it gonna be?

There was silcence everyone was still looking at the two elite ninja standing on the water.

Sasuke:sakura tou know what to do. Y/n get into-

She you'd at you seeing you were almost entranced by the two elite ninja.



From your point of veiw your vision was consranly shifting color and focus om tour surroundings toir body strared feeling like it was getting starved of chakra.

You fell to a knee as it became harder to breath.

Sakura:Y/n whats wrong!?

Naruto:what's  happening over.

Zabuza flood the demon shuriken wind back trying to cut deeper into kakashi's hand.

Kakashi:I don't know, but I can't focus in it right now.

He pushed back flinging the blade off. The two elite ninjia jump away from each other gaining distance.

You could barely get glimpese of  area around you until it stopped.

Y/n:I-I am fine beat up kakashi–sensai!

You got to your feet and stood by sakura nd sasuke in formation.

Sakura:Are you alright.


zabuza landed on rhe water(😐) and began weaving hand signs while sane there names, kakashi landed he began the same. They were in near prect unison as they went on,  until getting to the last sign.

Kakashi, Zabuza:Tori!! Water Style:water dragon Jutsu!

They said in unison as two serpents rose formed from the water, they started coiling around eachother biting and snapping until they fell apart flooding the land.

Sasuke:'do many hand signs and he mirrored them all prefectly.'

Water falls around the two jounin,  as you are at a stand still kakashi was only using a kunai to hold back the massive sword of zabuza.

Zabuza:Something isn't right, the sharingan is able to comprehend and replicate the enemy's technique. However both jutsu occured at the same time.

You turn around looking into the trees.

Sakura:what's wrong.

Y/n:I just got a strange feeling like we were being watched.

They separated from the blade struggle runung around in a circle in preft unison,  and then doing similar pose.

Tazuna:he's not just following hes moving the same way at the same time.

Zabuza:'my movements it's as if he knows what-'

Kakashi:going to do next.

Zabuza:'What!  Is he reading g my Mind Aswell. '

Kakashi:it makes you furious, doesn't it?

Zabuza:huh, all you're doing is copying me like a monkey.

Kakashi,Zabuza:You cant beat me with cheap tricks. I'll crush you.

Zabuza beganweaving hand signs.

Zabuza:when I finish with you you'll never open that monkey mouth again

Zabuza stopped as he saw something,  a shadow of himself behind kakashi.

Kakashi:water style: giant vortex jutsu!

Water spiraled around kakashi as it then rushed towards zabuza washing him away. Naruto was pushed on the shore. Zabuza was slammed into a tree by the current, as the Waters retread he leaned against the tree looking up to kakashi.

Zabuza:How? Can you see into the future?

Kakashi:Yes. This is your last battle ever.

He said after two needles flew ththre the air embedded deep his neck.

????:you were right,  this was his last battle.

Kakashi jumped down from the tree checking xabuaa's neck for a pluse.

Kakashi:No vital signs.

????:Thank you ive been hunting zabuza for a long time, waiting for this Chance to finally take him down.

Kakashi:by your mask I see that your a tacker ninja from the village hidden in the mist.

????:Impressive, your well informed.

Naruto:what is this,  who's do you think you are?!

He yelled up at the tranker, the rest of tesms 7 was confuzed hearing his.

Naruto:did you hear me?!

KakashiEasy naruto, he's not out enemy.

Naruto:that's not the point did you see what he did, just like that. Zabuza was huge and powerful he was some kind of monster, and this just comes in and take him down with one move like it was nothing. What Does that make us. We're just fumbling around. We don't know anything how can I accept that.

Kakashi walked up to naruto

Kakashi:Well, even If you don't accept it, still is did happen. In this world there are kids smaller than you and yet stronger then me.

The tracker ninja took zabuzas body away.

Kakashi:no come one the mission isnt over yet, we still need to get the bridge builder to his bridge.

Tazuna:he he, sorry I cause d all this trouble for you you can rest at my house when we get to the village.

You wiped the water of of you sword and sheathed it back into it's saya sword.

Kakashi:all right everyone let's move out-

He only made one step before he fell to the ground. He layed motionless as you all run over to him.

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