Chapter 3 Bell test

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Next part. Sorry about late update, school still gives me homework.

P.s. wattpad jeeps glitching 4th/5th tines the charms

That night.

Hiruzen:"So what did you think of the team?"

Kakashi:"They're idiots but they have potential. Narutos seems to not have been held by by his treatment by the village, and sasuke is focused on revenge."

Hiruzen:"I see and for Y/n."

Kakashi:"Not sure yet, he seems like a normal kid, I'm not sure why you would put him on a team with the other three."

Hiruzen:"What do you mean other three?"

Kakashi:"Sakura haruno is also on my team Lord hokage."

Hiruzen:"I didn't realize. "

Kakashi:"It's not much of a problem."


I was kicked awake quickly sitting up seeing my team and kakashi -sensai standing over me.

Kakashi:"Im glad you could join us."

I stood up stretching.

Sakura:"So Kakashi-sensai why are we doing this survival training any way?"

He started laughing I got nervous.

Kakashi:"The answer is simple but, you may not like it."

Naruto:"What is is kakashi-sensai?"

Kakashi:"Out of the 27 graduates only of them will be accepted as gebin the rest will be sent back to the academy. My word is the only one that matters for you to pass."

I slap my cheeks fully waking up.

Y/n:"Alright then-"

Their attention turned to me.

Y/n:"I didn't go threw years of training to fail now."

Naruto:"Believe it! I won't fail either!"


Kakashi:"Alright then here's your test-"

He reached into one of his pouches pulling out two bells.

Kakashi:"All you gave to do is take these bells before noon and you'll pass as well as have a lunch. And those who fail will be tied those posts and watch me eat my lunch."

Sakura:"But there's only two?"

Kakashi:"That way at least two of you will fail and go back to the academy. You can use any weapons including shuriken, and if your not prepared to kill me you won't pass."

Y/n:"So that's why you told us not to eat breakfast."

Naruto:"If thats the only way to eat then."

He putted out a kunai knife and charged at kakashi-sensai.

In an instant kakashi held naurtos arm behind his head. The kunai Centimetres from the puncturing his skin.

Kakashi:"The test will begin when I say so, understand."

Sakura:'Hes so fast I didn't even see it.'
He let naruto go.

Kakashi:"But you did come at me with the full intent to kill, so how do I say this.... I'm actually stating to like you guys. Get ready and start."

The other three jump away hiding. I teleport(body flicker) away hiding in a tree.

A few minutes went by as he stood there looking around.

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