Chapter 4 It makes the dream work

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Next part. P.o.v. in flux.

I stood there unsure of what to do, I at Kakashi-sensai as my body moved on it's own gripping the saya and tsuka of my sword.

In a instant I was behind Kakashi-sensai swinging my sword I make contact slicing threw him.

At least I thought. Looking a see it was a log.

Kakashi:So ninja it is then was that so hard to say yesterday.

I sheath my sword and teleport to him an throwing a punch, he vanished before I could hit him.

Kakashi: you remind me of someone with how often you use the body flicker technique, not sure why you stopped using you sword thought you.

I look behind me seeing he was holding make-out paradise again.

Y/n:'how does he dodge me so easily.' I don't need my sword to fight you.

Kakashi:if that's what you say.

I teleport going for a kick at his head, he disappeared agianmissing again for one more

Kakashi:well you shown me enough of what you can do.


He said appearing behind you chopping the back of your neck knocking you out. he shearhed tour sword. And continued the test.

Kakashi:now as for the others.

Kakashi-sensai then squashed both sakura and sasuke cause hes the best character in Naruto/Bolt don't @ me.

Kakashi stood over an unconsious y/n, naruto whis tied to a post and as sasuke and sakura as the alarm bell Rang. as it seemed to end how it began everyone waiting for y/n to wake up.

Kakashi:maybe it was a bad idea to knock him out.

Their stomachs growled in unison.

Kakashi:uh oh stomach grumbling that's two bad, oh and about this exercise I've decided not to send any of you back to the academy.

Sakura:I-I passed all I did was faint and fall over.


Naruto:then then then that means all four of us we all-

Kakashi:yes all four of you are being dropped from the program. Perminatly.

Naruto:drop us from the program, that means we xan never become ninja you said if we didn't get the bells that you'd send us back to the academy. You can jsut change your mind and kick us out why would you do that!!

Kakashi:because you don't think like ninja, you think like little kids like brats.

Sasuke rushed at kakashi, and as pinned down om his stomach.

Kakashi:you think ita all about you-

Sakura:let go of sasuke you can't step on him like he's Some kind of bug??

Y/n woke up from the constant yelling.

Y/n:what's happening.

Kakashi:you don't know what it means to be a ninja, why do you think we put you on squads? Did you consider that question for one moment.

Skaura:I don't know what you mean.

Kakashi:i mean you ever even realized what this exercise was about.

Naruto:what it's about?

Kakashi:yes that determines wether you pass or fail.

Skaura:but that's, I wanted to ask you that from the beginning.

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