Chapter 3- Held Hostage and Someone help me

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Ian needs a walk so he leaves RESUS when a gunman stands up and grabs Ian and holds the gun to his side and drags him into RESUS with Connie, Will and Alicia. Ian is terrified, and goes to get his phone to text Ethan for him to ring the police.

"Pass me your phones" The gunman says.

"Erm excuse me, I need my phone as my college is going to be ringing me about next week as I'm going on a trip" Ian replies.

" I don't care, all of you pass me your phones or I will shoot you"

Connie, Will, Alicia and Ian throw their phones onto the floor.

"Ian ain't it? I heard about you" David the gunman says reading Ian's college ID that Ian has on.

"You don't know anything about me " Ian replies.

"Yeah I do, you're the one who reported my son, Bobby to the police for dealing drugs in college"

"Did I hell, the staff found it out via Facebook, so no I didn't report him"

Ian feels faint and he sees blood, "guys me leg is bleeding, can you patch it up?"

Connie puts a gaze on it for now. The Staff are evacuating the ED.

Meanwhile the staff are evacuating the ED Department and Ethan stays back in the staff room so he can stay in touch with Will, Connie or Ian. When Ethan's phone pings with an text from Ian. He reads it.

Ian- Hi Ethan, me, Connie, Alicia and Will are trapped in RESUS as a gunman has us held hostage. PLEASE SEND HELP!

Ethan then rings the police and alerts them on what's is happening. So Ethan runs into RESUS to check on the gang when Dave tells him to stand against the wall, when he realises Ian's leg is bleeding and he needs help.

"Ian your leg is bleeding, we need to put pressure on" Ethan says.

"No! You're are not going to save Ian. He deserves to die as my son is in prison" Dave says.

"Right, if we don't give Ian help, he will die will be to blame, you don't want that do you?" Connie says.

A shot is rang out and the staff looks to see Ian's leg is bleeding even more, Ian's screaming in pain.

"AHHH! My leg its hurt. Screw you Dave, Connie, Will help me" screamed Ian

Connie, Will, Alicia and Ethan rush over to help him when the police barge into RESUS to arrest the gunman.

As Dave is being dragged away, he says to Ian, "You are going to rot in Hell and no-one deserves you as you are an useless kid and no-one likes you"

Ian is standing there in total shock until Will breaks his thoughts.

"Hey Ian, come onto the bed so we can sort that leg out, you will need to rest for a week, so sorry that means you can't attend college." Will says.

"Okay Will, I'm terrified in case he comes for me." Ian says

"What do you mean buddy?"

Suddenly Will's pager goes off, saying that he is needed in Connie's office.

Ian goes outside for fresh air when he runs up the stairs to the roof for alone time.

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