Question number 1 and Dare number 2

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Mr. Creepypasta: Here's a question from SouthParkLover123 and a dare

Creepsmcpasta: Sally do you like Ben?

Creepy pasta Jr.: SouthParkLover123 dares Jeff to slap Toby and take all his waffles.

Sally: yes-no-maybe.........yes 0////////0

Jeff:*walks up to Toby and slaps him and runs to the freezer and takes all the waffles and runs to LJ's carnival and hides them.*

Toby: >-< Slender Jeff slapped me and took off with my waffles

Slender man: *sighs* what am I going to do with you guys

Offender man: Will anyone else like to ask a question ( oh did you guys know that I grow roses in my backyard if you can guess what what are the two roses colors are I will have the author do a extra with me and my bro slender fighting.) >-<

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